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I'm playing Dark Souls II at the moment Tealbow, really enjoying it so far although I'm a big Souls fan. If you enjoyed Dark Souls, I guarantee you'll enjoy this even more. It's nothing revolutionary, but it does build on the strengths of the original and improves most aspects. It's only going to get better as well, with a second-generation of DSFIX well under way.


As a final note, you may want to check your graphics. Unlike Dark Souls, the sequel is pretty graphics-intensive especially in outdoor areas.


For myself, I'm mostly waiting for Assetto Corsa. For gamers who love cars, Assetto Corsa is something very special indeed. It's a "sim" racing game, designed for true car enthusiasts. Sims have always been niche games; they have a punishing learning curve and are notoriously expensive to make. When the GFC hit several years ago most developers "iced" their sim franchises as a result, Assetto Corsa is the first of a new generation-the first generation in around eight years.


Footnote: Sims are expensive because gamers want to drive the fastest, rarest cars. To put a car in a sim, you have to "map" it. Mapping involves fitting a real version of that car with a data recording rig, and then driving it at high speed. The expense comes from convincing a car maker to loan you the sort of car the players want, which are often worth upwards of a million US dollars.


I got the first game of Dark Souls and I really was hooked on it. :)




Anyone got any games they're interested in getting at a later point? Dark Souls II for me. :D


Wasteland 2 is something I've been keeping an eye on, but I'm going to wait until it comes out of Early Access before I get it.


I also pre-ordered Bound by Flame which comes out in 2 days, so yeah. :smile:



Oh, Bound by Flame. That looks really good. I love the artwork. :D

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What was the point of me getting a ps4 when all of the good games is coming out for pc, hail pc.



An rpg i never heard of until now. :blink: Another game skipping the xbone P: , hoping this trend continues.

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An rpg i never heard of until now. :blink: Another game skipping the xbone P: , hoping this trend continues.


Really? I've mentioned it several times in this thread, and I'm sure other people have too. :huh:

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I must of missed that post



Also i am going with the asrock for the revision of my older 2008 pc. Going slim this time around.



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Oh hey, another Call of Duty game showed up on Steam. "First three-year development cycle next-gen game". Wait. It hasn't been three years, has it? Does CoD work on some sort of inverse Valve time?

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Cod next gen is a joke, same rehash engine over and over again. To call it next gen when its simply a update with added features.


the yearly update :teehee:

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They're basically charging $90 for a patch. It's pathetic, I get more content during Early Access patches and that's free!


Look at it this way: Assetto Corsa released a mega-patch a few weeks ago that included an entirely new lighting engine, a new physics model, re-worked the entire control scheme based on what players had requested, and added 1.5 gigabytes of new playable content. It was completely free.

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I'm waiting for Doritos presents: Call Of Duty: advanced warfare with our partner, Mountain Dew.


That's where CoD is headed I strongly suspect. It's American hypercapitalism encapsulated in game form; a bit like those "dollar masses" that blend Christianity with advertising.

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So how is the controller support coming along with Assetto Corsa, i was hesitant to try it sense the controller support was awful, other then that it was a great experience. Should re download it and see whats new.

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