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In later news i have tweaked out my sound card to sound quite similar to the to the galaxy s5's headphone amp movie filter.


Its pretty darn close. one thing about creative the treble on the headphone amp is way to high.

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It would seem that I've been inactive on the Nexus for so long that I only have active posts in three threads. I kind of miss the days I could browse the forums with 'View New Content'. There's far too much stuff posted to do that now.

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It would seem that I've been inactive on the Nexus for so long that I only have active posts in three threads. I kind of miss the days I could browse the forums with 'View New Content'. There's far too much stuff posted to do that now.

Right there with ya, ub3r. :mellow: :mellow:

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hey anyone know of a decent server mobo, i was thinking of this until taxes... Investment if the gtx970 8gb don't come out this year.




looking for a double socket mobo.


and two of these overclocked to 4ghz. in a sense i would have a twelve core setup.



Edited by Thor.
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Looks like Net Neutrality isn't working around the world, yet. I have had two different servers lose their connections within ten seconds after I signed on. Comcast is going to stream the NFL Superbowl 49 FREE. And yet, will it matter, if we can't keep connected with the modem to their subcontracted ISP's on NFL SUPERBOWL 49 Day? NO!




ROARING Applause!

Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

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You guys and your Skyrim issues. I haven't had any issues this time. :tongue:
Aside from the fact that I've made like three different characters within a week. Can't decide who I want to play! :sad:


Open the console, click on a chicken and type "tc". You are now a chicken.


And yeah, I think I've modded Skyrim too much or something. :P



Can you beat this




Wow, that's quite atmospheric. It looks cool!

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I'm sure glad I don't have any issues with Skyrim. I finished playing it one day and looked at the time. I had gotten an internal hemorrhoid from playing it so much.


It such a pain! I have been freed from the torment of the magic that was done to me so I could not fix the pain. Now it is gone. Phew! I am SO HAPPY!




ROARING Applause!

Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

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