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You asked if you missed any before New Vegas and the one you missed was Fallout Tactics. Probably would have helped if I had quoted you, but I didn't think to do that. :tongue:

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My brother and I have been playing Assassin's Creed Unity multiplayer for the last few hours: it's really fun! I'm so glad that you're allowed to free-roam while playing multiplayer because it makes everything seem much more organic and immersive. Sadly my brother only got the game today so he had low-tier equipment and not many upgrades, while I was fully decked out in legendary equipment so it was a bit unbalanced. Still fun, though!

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My internet connection is constantly crapping out, not sure why though.




And I found this on UESP wiki about Annekke Crag-Jumper...

Although you can't marry Annekke, you can marry her daughter, Sylgja—which can make her your follower and mother-in-law.

I don't know, having an angry axe-wielding mother in law watching my back doesn't really seem like the best idea in the world.




EDIT: Peanuts! :dance:

Edited by Werne
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:pinch: @K00L

Yeah. Well. Now I know better. :laugh:

Fallout Tactics adds the number 5 to Fallout : New Vegas, and makes any new Fallout full game version 6.

Even so, the discussion of where, what, when another Fallout event is to be set was never made public. I remember every Fallout fan here was adding their opinion of where it should be.

How long has it been since the discussions died on Fallouts next full game?

I also wonder where the next contest for best looking beards will be held. I've been getting mine trimmed, but it's no short little scruff on my face. It's halfway down to my naval.

ROARING Applause!

Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

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I got peanut dust and salt all over my keyboard.


If you had a beard as long and thick as mine all that dust and salt would be there for you, any time, until you bathed. My beard keeps my face warm in Winter, acts like a swamp cooler in the Summer, it keeps dust, dirt, and germs of others out of my face, and it keeps me from spreading germs when I sneeze or cough.





:woot: :teehee: :tongue:


hi i am back from the ye wonder under a pillow playing minecraft while sick. I hate Winter.





No one will get sick on account of me. And I won't, most likely, get sick on account of people sneezing and coughing in my face. Ta DA!






ROARING Applause!


Encore! Encore!

:laugh: Curtain stage right I WIN! curtain stage left :sad:

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Critique, anyone?






I've been tweaking the reflectivity forever... and I still think it needs more. Should I keep the sword this shiny, or reduce it? I actually tried to mimic the metal reflectivity of Assassin's Creed Unity, but it just doesn't fit Skyrim when all the other reflections are so dull. I'm thinking that I should either reduce the saturation of the cubemap, making the metal look more like all the other ones, or edit all the other cubemaps to better resemble my own.

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