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The last poster wins


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Bring proof when you try getting the win for the thread.

Oh did the rules change now? OK does photo ID count?


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I'm mentally exhausted after my dentist explained a whole bunch of stuff, including Necrosis of a tooth's nerve; at my appointment today. :geek:


I think he may be expecting me to turn in a paper on the subject next time I have an appointment. :ermm:


I'm not sure, but there might be some Necromancy involved. He may be raising a tooth of mines nerves from the dead. :devil:


I Win! :sleep:

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I get lots of people asking me if they can translate my mods into Russian. I usually say yes since they ask nicely, but when they upload my mods on different websites, I can't help but feel a bit... I dunno, uncertain? Hmm.

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So... I was going to spend $20 on the Steam sale, then my grandma gave me another $20 (for "fixing" her TV I guess? All I did was press a button but okay) and then my dad gave me $10 because... I don't know, I helped him with his cabin I suppose. I didn't get all my trading cards though and that makes me angry (only a little). I ended up getting what I wanted, which was pre-purchasing the next Shadowrun game, aaaaaand I got Lego Worlds (because Lego) and some other random things (like Don't Starve's DLC, Halfway, and... something else I can't think of).


Edit: So I just spent an hour playing Lego Worlds and all I did was ride a dragon and blow s#*! up. I found a shield too.

Edited by K00L
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Sorry everyone! House warming party canceled due to alcohol funds are now needed to fix my Impala >< had a car wreck and hit a few things.


Maybe in a few months =P until then, I take the win as I survived!

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