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The last poster wins


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I've been playing Guild Wars 2 recently again, and today discovered something a bit upsetting (more just surprising I guess).

My brother managed to recover his account, when he logged on I invited him to my guild his reply was, "Why, when the Nexus is clearly the superior guild?"
Anyway, the issue is that for like three or four years I thought that the Nexus guild had been disbanded, but it turns out that Iv000 and I were kicked at some point for some reason. I even remember us talking about, because we thought no one else was active and it was sad because we had worked so hard to earn all that influence.

Kinda wish I knew why, but I guess it was years ago so it doesn't really matter.


edit: Guild isn't still active or anything anymore either, everyone else hasn't been on in three years according to my brother.

Edited by K00L
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