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It it the 13th of October YET?!


I will be nodding off soon. Unless I have a T.A.R.D.I.S. moment and find myself in one of the many games linking my beginnings playing them. Hm? It would have been so much fun to be able to get into the blue box and pop over from MORROWIND TO OBLIVION and then off to FALLOUT. I had so much energy back when I got hooked into the thought I might probably be able to MOD for a game.


I had so many ideas pop into my head. I got so I wrote them down because I thought I might get so I could mod faster then a speedy train of thought. Back then I couldn't sleep. I just played the video game and took food, water, and other pauses like I was living in the world of the game.


Of course the walks from and to where I needed to stay aware of REALITY kept me from falling off into the deep side of the insane part of our brain. You know, THE CREATIVE SIDE! :devil: The Mental Make Believe side. :happy:

I did hope so..,. that, one day, I would make one mod that would please the other game players. Then I might be accepted into the modders realm, Dream Land. I would share the life they lived, inviting me to MOD part of the mod for the game we all loved. Go to where the scene in the land of Game Futures like LAS VEGAS STYLE EXPO's was and mingle with modders who really are skilled making GREAT mods, in the Mod scene.


I am so excited I might not be able to get to sleep.


I hope I wrote something, in the story, so far, that sparked your interests. Maybe you Looked up stuff I mentioned just to see if maybe it's some thing about reality.


Hm? Uh! Oh! I've gone and charged my gray matter up, the little bunnies batteries will likely run dry before my mind lets me sleep tonight.



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I could barely stay awake after dinner. I stopped fighting the urge to sleep. Maybe I am becoming like an old wizard living in a castle tower as near to the library as I could find a place to rent? Maybe I am phasing out of the wise old ways of modern civilization and becoming acclimatized to natures wondrous habit of hibernation after dining?


I sure feel refreshed now that the sleeping spell wore off.


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