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But the potholes add so much more adventure to the trip!!



If it's adventure by potholes you seek ... you should visit New Orleans.

Plenty of potholes around here , but plenty of road construction too.

And in fact we have a new failed construction site turned tourist site ... the Hard Rock Hotel collapse.

Which sounds like there was a bunch of shenanigans going on in the white hat department.

And makes me wonder if they would call it white collar crime vs blue collar crime ?



Ya I followed that when it happened ... and then again after some recent windy weather (very sad for those affected). I wonder if the effort to find the root cause will be proportionate to the "polictical connectedness" of those hiding the most blame. In any case in our North American systems it's a given that the guy at the top will be found blameless. Blame is like that brown substance that only flows downhill ... those that live and breathe in the stratosphere are immune.


Pagafyr ... I just recently read about a whole industry opening up in Europe's unused spaces in parking garages (apparently a widespread problem in Paris ... they've succeeded in discouraging car ownership). Maybe another avenue for investigation.

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@Stryker879 I have no need of another vehicle. A neighbor has had two very expensive vehicles rot away, rusting horribly. In their day Carnauba wax for outdoor protection was what kept them from rusting outdoors while always parked in the Solar exposure. The car has only been in the parked space for 5 years where once upon a time his antique truck was. Even the cars glass had become so flimsy that the drivers side exposed to the sun all day just collapsed when touched by someone bending in to look inside when putting the edge of their palm against it to block the Sun so they could see inside it.


The glass turned into small diamond like chunks and collapsed into the car. They didn't have safety glass back when the car was built and he had a pickup that had almost rusted to the spot before his grandson brought him to his senses and moved it to an indoor storage space. I saw a van that looked like someone had sprayed acid on it. The type of paint used didn't have a clear coat back in 1977. The paint began to get tiny bubbles under it and peeled off when the car was washed.


Cars bodies made for today are plastic. I have had several 80 year olds tell me I should park mine in a garage and just walk to and from where ever I go. They don't trust the specially designed collision frames or the airbags.

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@Stryker879 I have no need of another vehicle.



I think Striker meant parking garages as unused open land ... even though they are cubical now ?


@ Striker ... All I know anymore is , if the building is newer than 50ish years old , I feel like I'm on a new construction site. Plenty of old homes to work on in Nawllins :cool:

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My specification was land intended to suggest prime soil for growing food.


Well import some soil , boxes to hold the soil , grow lights ,water storage ... and you've got a prime location for growing stuff.

Which I guess the term "Prime" depends on what you're growing.

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Well i have been getting some insane load times, sometimes under 3 seconds or faster then that. Fastt, fasst and then some. in Skyrim se.


Don't you have anything better to do , like play games , instead of make us feel bad about our equipment :ninja:


LOL jokin ... post away :tongue:

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and then again after some recent windy weather (very sad for those affected).



Sorry I missed this before ...


Nothin new to nawllins . And certainly sumthin they should have accounted for here code wise I'm sure. (post katrina) , it sounds like inspection shenanigans ... and job management boo boo's .

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My specification was land intended to suggest prime soil for growing food.

That's what they were growing in these underground parking garages Pagafyr, though I will admit that outside of the mushrooms I didn't recognise any of the stuff seen being harvested and prepared for shipment/consumption. I'm with you on this ... I'd rather stick to someplace that at least sees sunshine for any home grown I may be cultivating (and no, even though it may be legal here in Canada I'm not talking about that kind of home grown).


Manitoulin Island has a fair amount of under utilised farmland, but a lot of it isn't good for much more than grazing/hay production because the topsoil is only inches deep in places. I'll be there in a coupe of months ... want me to keep an eye out for you??

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