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YAY finally a decent micro one click rpg game that i don't really have to think, but i do game.


it has everything i always wanted in a building-rpg-rts-game.


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I have, its still quite buggy, gave me a blue screen of death, I looked at the crash report, game related. :geek: Now thats the first. Even if its not system related.

After tinkering with the resolution it crashed. blue screened, then force restart.

Edited by Thor.
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Ouch. :confused:

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I have, its still quite buggy, gave me a blue screen of death, I looked at the crash report, game related. :geek: Now thats the first. Even if its not system related.

After tinkering with the resolution it crashed. blue screened, then force restart.


And to think they greenlighted such an unpolished game... The nerve of them!

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No its playable, i had to disable crossfire for it to work properly-game profile.

it still crashes on exit though. I know better not to blame the OS for game related crashes, it turned out it was just a compatibility issue.


it only has a tutorial at the moment, but it does show a lot of promise. later patches and its still in Beta.

Edited by Thor.
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