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The last poster wins


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I've still got my salesman rep that will allow me to set up again.


LOL ... mine starved to death waiting for me to open my wallet. I think the rest of them are too young to know I exist.


Pure freedom!!




I just read up on what I need. Nothing but the good life for me! After I eat I might go back to sleep where I find the life I used to have in my dream sleep awaiting me to return home there. Before I go back to the land of Nod, I might spend some time playing a simulator that reminds me how I used to earn a living. Searching for a heart of gold during my off time. Came home baring worthless minerals mostly. I kept at that fun time picking through the rocks though and learned which minerals I could sell to the refiner.


Now I just have to decide which vitamins and minerals I would like to get out of the flora, fauna, and mineral pile in my makeshift kitchen cupboards and refrigerator.


Yup! Purefreedom.



Some may call it "livin' rough" ... I call it livin' right!


You do it your way, I do it my way, as long as we get through the day ready for the next, it must be the good way; because your way works for you :happy: and my way works for me. :happy:



What, no "my way or the highway" ... Paga I'm disappointed. Where's Mk to rattle my chain when I need it. :laugh:


I like it when everyone has their own path, less risk bumping into one another and ruffling feathers. On the other hand, then I need to stir up the pots to see what's cookin'.

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There must be a good reason why teachers get a 3 month vacation while many people only only get 2 weeks?

Maybe it's because vacation time is over for someone?




You get a vacation?

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There must be a good reason why teachers get a 3 month vacation while many people only only get 2 weeks?

Maybe it's because vacation time is over for someone?




You get a vacation?



Yeah! I take a day and go to take a stroll around the mall. That's a vacation to me.



Aren't you worried about getting mauled at the mall Paga? I take a hockey stick along to keep 'em a bay (especially now I have my long locks back ... shades of the 70's).


- Edit - Just had a thought ... I wonder if any of my old bell bottoms would fit. Now that would be awesome!!

Edited by Striker879
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I WIN!!!!, but my RTX doesn't, it does not support 144mhz monitors. Because display port 1.4 only goes as high as 120mhz. Even hdmi doesn't support 144hz.. So are they phasing out 144mhz monitors, the lack of dvi sure tells a tail.

In the upside I'm getting some insane fps benchmark numbers.

Edited by niphilim222
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I've got an old 3D TV with 240Hz. Thing is, that the 3D settings on the computer's video card set's the computers for 3D at 23Hz or 24Hz. When the 3D game or video movie is in play, the 3D TV receiver translates the Video player projections, or video card's for gaming, into 3D; with the Hertz setting 24Hz from the 3D video card and the TV makes it so it's 24Hz x 100Hz = 240Hz.


For 3D games the best gaming setting is 23Hz with the Nvidia Video 3D cards in 1080p. What makes LED images sharper is the background, pitch black, so colors shift to darker around the objects with 3D depth and mixes in the grayscale, all that and it smooths the FPS so 3D images are seamless with no jagged zigzag lines.


I watched snow falling in a Disney 3D movie. When the angle of my view from the glasses was just right in a very low light room, it looked like it was snowing 2 inches in front of my computer screen. I imagine if I could get a projector that was that good, if viewed off a rooms white wall, it could seem like it was snowing in the room about 2 feet from the wall. It's the glasses that do the trick though. It's like they are projecting the images from them when the light in the room is just right so the 3D images are being reflected off the glasses back at the TV Screen.


Now where did I leave that rock of solid gold worth $5,000.00 so I can afford that LG with QLED so good it makes me want to jump around like I was ocean side dodging the ice cold white capped waves rolling in.

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Paga better keep an i out for his lost gold fortune, but if you are in a market for a tv, go OLED instead.


like this model



Heaven benchmark is in, check it out....

Unigine Heaven Benchmark 4.0 FPS:
Min FPS:
Max FPS:
System Platform:
Windows NT 6.2 (build 9200) 64bit
CPU model:
AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor (3693MHz) x8
GPU model:
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 (4095MB) x1
Settings Render:
1920x1080 8xAA fullscreen
Powered by UNIGINE Engine
Unigine Corp. © 2005-2013
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Note to myself: Did you get that left hand? 'Q'. The TV is an 'O' Light Emitting Diode. Capital 'O' is in the right hand's side of the keyboard. I wonder if it is because I rely on the computers software spell check and grammar check too much?

My BPU* is getting so old by the time I read this there might be a CPU that can be implanted in my BPU* so my BPU* doesn't have to do all those mental exercises anymore before noon.



Note to the teacher. I thought up stuff. Today I thunk it was about time to add my license plate design to the definitions for human beings parts. I think I might need an Update for my BPU*. I need to exercise it or it will be a DPU** for the rest of the day. I may be depressed all the time if I don't. I am exercising it now. Be kind to your BPU.1 each morning and your's will be a BPU* today too!

Footnotes: (These are actually for the head. I think someone was just trying to humor their BPU one day calling them footnotes. Maybe they were just trying to cheer up the BPU* team that operate the feet that day?)

Reminder: always copy and paste my threads and posts for later. Then I can give my BPU storage a little more space during the day for wondrous new stuff I learn from reading all the other people posting using their BPU* to show off their brains brilliants.

1. Brilliant Processing Unit.

*BPU: Brilliant Processing Unit.

**DPU: Dull Processing Unit

And remember!

:happy: Have fun! :mellow:

Edited at 09:37 AM MDT for bookworms to know I noted the errrr ..... kzzzst .... erro ..... bzzit error of my ways.

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