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The last poster wins


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Yesterday I dropped off a check I wrote for a utility, dated for on the due date, for next month. I received a phone from the company this morning. The gal told me her name, then proceeded to explain why they could not hold the check until the due date. Her name sent me off into the past. I just sat here, listened to her, and kept telling her to go ahead and cash it because I just put the due date on it because it was on the notice.

She asked if it was okay to cash it today. I repeated it was.


After hanging up I sat here for an hour. Looking at everything around looking for something that needed my attention.


I best get ready for the day the time machine arrives. because everything around me is turning out to be without purpose.


I'm just camping here! I suppose if I didn't have the reasons I have for staying here and the many years it's been since that day, I would have got up and drove all the way back to Washington to see if could find her.


Edit: A gal I have friended here, I sent a PM recently, she responded, and I felt that sense we shared in our PM. Now when I pause and think about it it I feel so comfortable. I sense that it was what released forgotten memory and is what started this domino effect. I wonder where I will be when my mind finally unwinds and the string I have to follow, will take me?


Now I know what prompted me to think of you when I read that Calvin ... not because I really believed that you would "pull a Calvin" any more than I would. Days of finding delight in such things are far far behind us.


It was because we are kindred spirits, attuned to the same mysteries, facing similar turnings in our pathways, and thus wondering what lays beyond that corner.


I get great comfort in knowing that whatever waits around that corner, a billion feet have trod each possible path before I will arrive.



Yesterday I received a notice from the bank that a check bounced. It was the one I told the gal at the Utility Service to go ahead and cash. I had just gotten what I thought was clear money I could spend, out of my account, and was going to. I barely made it to the first stop when a message on my phone told me I had a check come in only moments after i departed. I had to pay a $35.00 fine. I was about to shake it off and forget about it when I found out it was the check I told the girl to go ahead to send in to cash it, the one whose name shook me to the corps the other day.


I realized that I had asked a girl with the same name when I was 16, on my knees, to marry me. She said, "NO!" With threats added that her father would make sure I never bothered her again. We'd been introduced because of a double date my older brother set up so he could get the car to take her older sister out to the drive in movies. When we hugged once, just once, it seemed like we became electrified, like two electrical lines suddenly having the current flowing through us from head to toe. I don't remember letting go of her until we got back to her house, and it seems we held each other without moving, through the whole movie too.


After she said "NO" she described her father. I took her seriously and never went near her family's home or anywhere I might cross paths with her too.


The girl in my college experience seemed to me to be a totally mysterious new relationship. I was 22 years old. 22 - 16 = 6 . I think it may just be that I encountered that gal I asked to marry me after she and I had aged. I think she might have recognized me, but because she was so much more alive and had on makeup too I didn't recognize her. The connection seems to have been the same, but the result of having that sense we had almost the same but we were much to distracted then, not like when we met before feeling the electrical connection, the sensation of making love may have messed with me.


Since she and I were deep into our love making, that is, until it occurred to her to say words to me. She said them with such force in her voice I literally became dumbfounded.


I might have had a response, if she weren't sitting on my legs, pinning me down and dumbfounded by the suspicion I knew her from somewhere before we met again. I was still dumbfounded after she bolted out of the room and left me there even more dumbfounded.


I feel like the days are peeling away walls of pain and showing me the memories as though I may be standing next to her again. Only all I have are mental images filling my sleep, lingering on my thought when I awaken. While I wrote my eye bags filled with water.


I think I got a second chance. I think I didn't realize how I knew her, but the feeling I did was real strong and we were all grown up and facing each other again. And now I feel that sensation of being near a live electrical capacitor buzzing causing me to feel current raising the hairs on my body. No, not that way, really feeling like we were like two electrical connectors and when we touched the current flowed through us.


I feel like I need to see her real soon. Or maybe there won't be another chance. Somehow something is telling me I am almost right next to her, though I can't see her. I don't know where to look. Maybe age has made her look so I don't recognize her. I might be feeling the current trickling, tickling me, and getting farther away. That sense if I don't find her soon it will end our relationship for good.


I don't know why I am experiencing this each day. I feel like a little child separated from the only other person I knew at a party and am standing in a crowd feeling all alone.



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Yesterday I dropped off a check I wrote for a utility, dated for on the due date, for next month. I received a phone from the company this morning. The gal told me her name, then proceeded to explain why they could not hold the check until the due date. Her name sent me off into the past. I just sat here, listened to her, and kept telling her to go ahead and cash it because I just put the due date on it because it was on the notice.

She asked if it was okay to cash it today. I repeated it was.


After hanging up I sat here for an hour. Looking at everything around looking for something that needed my attention.


I best get ready for the day the time machine arrives. because everything around me is turning out to be without purpose.


I'm just camping here! I suppose if I didn't have the reasons I have for staying here and the many years it's been since that day, I would have got up and drove all the way back to Washington to see if could find her.


Edit: A gal I have friended here, I sent a PM recently, she responded, and I felt that sense we shared in our PM. Now when I pause and think about it it I feel so comfortable. I sense that it was what released forgotten memory and is what started this domino effect. I wonder where I will be when my mind finally unwinds and the string I have to follow, will take me?


Now I know what prompted me to think of you when I read that Calvin ... not because I really believed that you would "pull a Calvin" any more than I would. Days of finding delight in such things are far far behind us.


It was because we are kindred spirits, attuned to the same mysteries, facing similar turnings in our pathways, and thus wondering what lays beyond that corner.


I get great comfort in knowing that whatever waits around that corner, a billion feet have trod each possible path before I will arrive.



Yesterday I received a notice from the bank that a check bounced. It was the one I told the gal at the Utility Service to go ahead and cash. I had just gotten what I thought was clear money I could spend, out of my account, and was going to. I barely made it to the first stop when a message on my phone told me I had a check come in only moments after i departed. I had to pay a $35.00 fine. I was about to shake it off and forget about it when I found out it was the check I told the girl to go ahead to send in to cash it, the one whose name shook me to the corps the other day.


I realized that I had asked a girl with the same name when I was 16, on my knees, to marry me. She said, "NO!" With threats added that her father would make sure I never bothered her again. We'd been introduced because of a double date my older brother set up so he could get the car to take her older sister out to the drive in movies. When we hugged once, just once, it seemed like we became electrified, like two electrical lines suddenly having the current flowing through us from head to toe. I don't remember letting go of her until we got back to her house, and it seems we held each other without moving, through the whole movie too.


After she said "NO" she described her father. I took her seriously and never went near her family's home or anywhere I might cross paths with her too.


The girl in my college experience seemed to me to be a totally mysterious new relationship. I was 22 years old. 22 - 16 = 6 . I think it may just be that I encountered that gal I asked to marry me after she and I had aged. I think she might have recognized me, but because she was so much more alive and had on makeup too I didn't recognize her. The connection seems to have been the same, but the result of having that sense we had almost the same but we were much to distracted then, not like when we met before feeling the electrical connection, the sensation of making love may have messed with me.


Since she and I were deep into our love making, that is, until it occurred to her to say words to me. She said them with such force in her voice I literally became dumbfounded.


I might have had a response, if she weren't sitting on my legs, pinning me down and dumbfounded by the suspicion I knew her from somewhere before we met again. I was still dumbfounded after she bolted out of the room and left me there even more dumbfounded.


I feel like the days are peeling away walls of pain and showing me the memories as though I may be standing next to her again. Only all I have are mental images filling my sleep, lingering on my thought when I awaken. While I wrote my eye bags filled with water.


I think I got a second chance. I think I didn't realize how I knew her, but the feeling I did was real strong and we were all grown up and facing each other again. And now I feel that sensation of being near a live electrical capacitor buzzing causing me to feel current raising the hairs on my body. No, not that way, really feeling like we were like two electrical connectors and when we touched the current flowed through us.


I feel like I need to see her real soon. Or maybe there won't be another chance. Somehow something is telling me I am almost right next to her, though I can't see her. I don't know where to look. Maybe age has made her look so I don't recognize her. I might be feeling the current trickling, tickling me, and getting farther away. That sense if I don't find her soon it will end our relationship for good.


I don't know why I am experiencing this each day. I feel like a little child separated from the only other person I knew at a party and am standing in a crowd feeling all alone.





Know this Paga ... there are no pathways back to places we once were. Any that seem to lead there don't lead to to that past place but instead lead to where that place has become today.


Our problem is rooted in how we perceive the world around us. At an intellectual level we can acknowledge that time is like a river flowing to that "sea" we all join at our end, but in our memories time does not exist. As we drift down the river of time like a leaf, when we recall those chance meetings of the past they aren't dimmed by all the river bed we have passed over since that day. To us the waters of the river surrounding us are the same ones we've always known.


Often I wonder at the grey haired apparition I see in the mirror, for the person that lives behind those eyes isn't that old.


Our paths are always changing, and as we find ourselves on each new branching we also find ourselves with no way back to that second which just slipped by. I have arrived at a place in my time where I no longer think in terms of "best choice" or "smoothest path". As options unfold before me and I find myself on the next step in the path my past is a spaghetti string trailing behind me all the way back to a tiny tadpole and huge egg meeting. We each have our own strand, sometimes crossing and tangling for a time and other times on different sides of the plate.


The key for me is figuring out my part in the events of the past, for in that knowledge the true value of my past is unlocked.


I often say that the only things of value I have are my "mistakes". If I can learn the part I played in their events then perhaps I'll recognise them again in the events rushing towards me in that next second. I have no control over the flow of time washing past me, but I do have a tiller which can steer me if I know how to recognise the choices before me. I don't steer for better or smoother, as I haven't a way to know where any path may ultimately lead. I'm happy with "different" in my hope that I'll avoid sailing down those I've sailed before.


Each of us have our own unique strand that is the record of all we have done, seen, and at times missed out on. To look back on our past it is hard to know the truth of those events, for we experienced them from a single viewpoint. The best we can hope for is how we filter that view of the past through our experiences up to this point. That may get us closer to the truth or not, but it's the best any of us can expect for on this day.

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Yesterday I dropped off a check I wrote for a utility, dated for on the due date, for next month. I received a phone from the company this morning. The gal told me her name, then proceeded to explain why they could not hold the check until the due date. Her name sent me off into the past. I just sat here, listened to her, and kept telling her to go ahead and cash it because I just put the due date on it because it was on the notice.

She asked if it was okay to cash it today. I repeated it was.


After hanging up I sat here for an hour. Looking at everything around looking for something that needed my attention.


I best get ready for the day the time machine arrives. because everything around me is turning out to be without purpose.


I'm just camping here! I suppose if I didn't have the reasons I have for staying here and the many years it's been since that day, I would have got up and drove all the way back to Washington to see if could find her.


Edit: A gal I have friended here, I sent a PM recently, she responded, and I felt that sense we shared in our PM. Now when I pause and think about it it I feel so comfortable. I sense that it was what released forgotten memory and is what started this domino effect. I wonder where I will be when my mind finally unwinds and the string I have to follow, will take me?


Now I know what prompted me to think of you when I read that Calvin ... not because I really believed that you would "pull a Calvin" any more than I would. Days of finding delight in such things are far far behind us.


It was because we are kindred spirits, attuned to the same mysteries, facing similar turnings in our pathways, and thus wondering what lays beyond that corner.


I get great comfort in knowing that whatever waits around that corner, a billion feet have trod each possible path before I will arrive.



Yesterday I received a notice from the bank that a check bounced. It was the one I told the gal at the Utility Service to go ahead and cash. I had just gotten what I thought was clear money I could spend, out of my account, and was going to. I barely made it to the first stop when a message on my phone told me I had a check come in only moments after i departed. I had to pay a $35.00 fine. I was about to shake it off and forget about it when I found out it was the check I told the girl to go ahead to send in to cash it, the one whose name shook me to the corps the other day.


I realized that I had asked a girl with the same name when I was 16, on my knees, to marry me. She said, "NO!" With threats added that her father would make sure I never bothered her again. We'd been introduced because of a double date my older brother set up so he could get the car to take her older sister out to the drive in movies. When we hugged once, just once, it seemed like we became electrified, like two electrical lines suddenly having the current flowing through us from head to toe. I don't remember letting go of her until we got back to her house, and it seems we held each other without moving, through the whole movie too.


After she said "NO" she described her father. I took her seriously and never went near her family's home or anywhere I might cross paths with her too.


The girl in my college experience seemed to me to be a totally mysterious new relationship. I was 22 years old. 22 - 16 = 6 . I think it may just be that I encountered that gal I asked to marry me after she and I had aged. I think she might have recognized me, but because she was so much more alive and had on makeup too I didn't recognize her. The connection seems to have been the same, but the result of having that sense we had almost the same but we were much to distracted then, not like when we met before feeling the electrical connection, the sensation of making love may have messed with me.


Since she and I were deep into our love making, that is, until it occurred to her to say words to me. She said them with such force in her voice I literally became dumbfounded.


I might have had a response, if she weren't sitting on my legs, pinning me down and dumbfounded by the suspicion I knew her from somewhere before we met again. I was still dumbfounded after she bolted out of the room and left me there even more dumbfounded.


I feel like the days are peeling away walls of pain and showing me the memories as though I may be standing next to her again. Only all I have are mental images filling my sleep, lingering on my thought when I awaken. While I wrote my eye bags filled with water.


I think I got a second chance. I think I didn't realize how I knew her, but the feeling I did was real strong and we were all grown up and facing each other again. And now I feel that sensation of being near a live electrical capacitor buzzing causing me to feel current raising the hairs on my body. No, not that way, really feeling like we were like two electrical connectors and when we touched the current flowed through us.


I feel like I need to see her real soon. Or maybe there won't be another chance. Somehow something is telling me I am almost right next to her, though I can't see her. I don't know where to look. Maybe age has made her look so I don't recognize her. I might be feeling the current trickling, tickling me, and getting farther away. That sense if I don't find her soon it will end our relationship for good.


I don't know why I am experiencing this each day. I feel like a little child separated from the only other person I knew at a party and am standing in a crowd feeling all alone.





Know this Paga ... there are no pathways back to places we once were. Any that seem to lead there don't lead to to that past place but instead lead to where that place has become today.


Our problem is rooted in how we perceive the world around us. At an intellectual level we can acknowledge that time is like a river flowing to that "sea" we all join at our end, but in our memories time does not exist. As we drift down the river of time like a leaf, when we recall those chance meetings of the past they aren't dimmed by all the river bed we have passed over since that day. To us the waters of the river surrounding us are the same ones we've always known.


Often I wonder at the grey haired apparition I see in the mirror, for the person that lives behind those eyes isn't that old.


Our paths are always changing, and as we find ourselves on each new branching we also find ourselves with no way back to that second which just slipped by. I have arrived at a place in my time where I no longer think in terms of "best choice" or "smoothest path". As options unfold before me and I find myself on the next step in the path my past is a spaghetti string trailing behind me all the way back to a tiny tadpole and huge egg meeting. We each have our own strand, sometimes crossing and tangling for a time and other times on different sides of the plate.


The key for me is figuring out my part in the events of the past, for in that knowledge the true value of my past is unlocked.


I often say that the only things of value I have are my "mistakes". If I can learn the part I played in their events then perhaps I'll recognise them again in the events rushing towards me in that next second. I have no control over the flow of time washing past me, but I do have a tiller which can steer me if I know how to recognise the choices before me. I don't steer for better or smoother, as I haven't a way to know where any path may ultimately lead. I'm happy with "different" in my hope that I'll avoid sailing down those I've sailed before.


Each of us have our own unique strand that is the record of all we have done, seen, and at times missed out on. To look back on our past it is hard to know the truth of those events, for we experienced them from a single viewpoint. The best we can hope for is how we filter that view of the past through our experiences up to this point. That may get us closer to the truth or not, but it's the best any of us can expect for on this day.


Nicely written and very poetic too!

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I WIN!!!!! :ninja: :ninja: :cool:


Seen as Niph didn`t want to play along I get to pick both ...


Sorry Niph, you`re stuck being Calvin and I`m Hobbes (I do a better depiction of menacing anyway ... I have the eyebrows for the job!!).

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Moved to and the song removed because I only thought the song might make someone else happy.



Do I win?



I did watch the song video Paga. My personal preference has always been the original Yes band (though I do own the 90125 on CD ... Fragile and Close to the Edge I have on vinyl and CD and are my favourites from Yes). Pretty sure I've never seen the song's video before this, it is a rather disturbing bit of videography.


In any case I agree with Werne ... you won!

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