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I'll be watching this. BBS or as Soon I have seen the whole YT and maybe have some ideas revived from before Microbiology was this far advance.


It did take my understanding (as best as I'm able working with the Mark I gray matter I'm stuck with) to a whole new level. Even back when I first heard of how the gut microbiome affects our immune system I was sure there was a lot more to the story yet to discover.


I am still waiting on one of my first questions on the subject though ...


How much of the food I eat goes to feeding human cells, and how much goes to feeding non-human cells? Reason I'm interested is because maybe I should be consulting all my hitchhikers/fellow travellers before starting dinner preparations ... you know, find out what they want for dinner. They do outnumber my cells on the order of ten to one, so I guess what they want should carry some weight in the decision.


And yes Paga, I have found that this is not knowledge that leads to one becoming a babe magnet. May even have the opposite effect, but I'm OK with that.



The evening rest cyclic time didn't give me much deep comforting sleep.


I recall views of computer monitor and trying to figure out what they really represent. A past game I played, a future one, or a serious non-fiction program that my mind is able to grasp so I dreamed about video programs I felt secure I know I had enough knowledge to used the keyboard and mouse controls while seeing them.


I awakened two or three times and found I was pressing on the comfortable bedding as if I was typing on my keyboard. I keep a dream sleep journal and do the best I can to keep up with the speed of playing my memories to write about the dreams.


The speed of thought occurs to be in a little bit hurry (faster than typing 20 words a minute) so my microbiome cultures get fed before one culture or another begins to overpower the other. :laugh:



LOL ... usually "mixing methaphors" is a writing thing. You seem to be living a mixed metaphor Paga!!


Is it a bit disconcerting at times?

Edited by Striker879
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I'll be watching this. BBS or as Soon I have seen the whole YT and maybe have some ideas revived from before Microbiology was this far advance.


It did take my understanding (as best as I'm able working with the Mark I gray matter I'm stuck with) to a whole new level. Even back when I first heard of how the gut microbiome affects our immune system I was sure there was a lot more to the story yet to discover.


I am still waiting on one of my first questions on the subject though ...


How much of the food I eat goes to feeding human cells, and how much goes to feeding non-human cells? Reason I'm interested is because maybe I should be consulting all my hitchhikers/fellow travellers before starting dinner preparations ... you know, find out what they want for dinner. They do outnumber my cells on the order of ten to one, so I guess what they want should carry some weight in the decision.


And yes Paga, I have found that this is not knowledge that leads to one becoming a babe magnet. May even have the opposite effect, but I'm OK with that.



The evening rest cyclic time didn't give me much deep comforting sleep.


I recall views of computer monitor and trying to figure out what they really represent. A past game I played, a future one, or a serious non-fiction program that my mind is able to grasp so I dreamed about video programs I felt secure I know I had enough knowledge to used the keyboard and mouse controls while seeing them.


I awakened two or three times and found I was pressing on the comfortable bedding as if I was typing on my keyboard. I keep a dream sleep journal and do the best I can to keep up with the speed of playing my memories to write about the dreams.


The speed of thought occurs to be in a little bit hurry (faster than typing 20 words a minute) so my microbiome cultures get fed before one culture or another begins to overpower the other. :laugh:



LOL ... usually "mixing methaphors" is a writing thing. You seem to be living a mixed metaphor Paga!!


Is it a bit disconcerting at times?



More like an Opera! Without the orchestra in the pit, the props upon the stage, no light from above rafter, or the NPCs to fill in what you very often don't see, we don't see because our attention is focused on the main character, his leading lady or any of the other moving objects meant to take our attention away from between sets of the play.

Our separate minds tune in focus in on whatever is not part of the set, music, or light isn't upon. I leave it up to your mind to fill the spaces later when you're part of the critic crowd from the audience.


Do I have your full and complete attention now.

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I almost forgot. @Striker879; since you've brought up Microbiomes and Mk has brought up DnD style games I suggest you look in on No Man's Sky. :geek: Because it's full of the stuff that is so disconcerting that if it weren't for some bit of what we commonly accept as reality it would be filling us with so much conflicting views, in all the fields of science, and could be so unsettling we likely would not venture even to consider traveling to other planets for a second. :ohmy: Not even dream about it! :sleep:

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I almost forgot. @Striker879; since you've brought up Microbiomes and Mk has brought up DnD style games I suggest you look in on No Man's Sky. :geek: Because it's full of the stuff that is so disconcerting that if it weren't for some bit of what we commonly accept as reality it would be filling us with so much conflicting views, in all the fields of science, and could be so unsettling we likely would not venture even to consider traveling to other planets for a second. :ohmy: Not even dream about it! :sleep:


I did quite a while ago ... think it was Drake who was playing and it piqued my interest enough to have a look.


I see it's another of those Steam games ... which excludes it from the Striker Universe of Gaming. Staem and I disagreed about something a long time ago. I have a Steam support account and that's as close as I'll ever come to having a Steam account.


I'm too much like an elephant.


So now you have me thinking we are all in some sort of soap opera ... my Mom just loved her All My Rotten Kids (or maybe it was As the Stomach Turns ... one of them anyway).

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Well i did a thorough clean of my gaming rig, took all caballing and restarted the build. Seems like something was not right. But it was so worth the cleaning i saved my power supply from certain death. No blue smoke or smell.


My case (CoolerMaster CM690) came with the black foam filter media for all the front fans, but the spots for the side and bottom fans were unfiltered. For the side fans I use two of the steel mesh filters intended for mounting directly to a fan mounted outside on the openings (the top one has it's fan mounted outside due to internal clearance while the lower one has the fan mounted inside).


There wasn't enough clearance for the case bottom fan to have filters mounted externally, and to have them mounted on the fan internally would mean the filter would need to be dismounted from the fan to clean it. My compromise is to use strips cut from those filters you can buy for your furnace vent outlets (sort of a white mesh/matrix type stuff ... cuts easily to size). The strips are cut so that once folded lengthwise they fit in the spaces between the desktop and the case in between all of the feet on the case. I'm sure the setup restricts airflow a slight bit, but it works surprisingly well at keep dust from getting drawn in with the bottom fan.

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Yes! A soap opera! Outside in; The Devil's Rain.

All in all the words I sense now that describe my situation. It may describe other peoples too.


They are:


I'm waiting for a person who gives meaning to my life.


I went looking and found myself waiting for so long a trough filled up to a line. Now I have weight on where none was before.


I'm just waiting! As the voice cries out. Waiting when my voice joined in, crying out, from an empty life.


I'm just waiting! For someone who gives meaning to my life. Yup!


I sense I am one of the; Six Characters in Search of an Author : play by Luigi Pirandello.

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Yes! A soap opera! Outside in; The Devil's Rain.

All in all the words I sense now that describe my situation. It may describe other peoples too.


They are:


I'm waiting for a person who gives meaning to my life.


I went looking and found myself waiting for so long a trough filled up to a line. Now I have weight on where none was before.


I'm just waiting! As the voice cries out. Waiting when my voice joined in, crying out, from an empty life.


I'm just waiting! For someone who gives meaning to my life. Yup!


I sense I am one of the; Six Characters in Search of an Author : play by Luigi Pirandello.


Quite the cast for Devil's Rain ... somehow I've never even heard of it before. Your play sounds like something I would either love or hate, depending on the performance. Fortunately I find you on the good side of that coin.


Does life have meaning? For the most part I feel more like a leaf floating down the River of Time than some purposeful force of nature (and those times I do feel purposeful Nature seems to take no notice).

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Yes! A soap opera! Outside in; The Devil's Rain.

All in all the words I sense now that describe my situation. It may describe other peoples too.


They are:


I'm waiting for a person who gives meaning to my life.


I went looking and found myself waiting for so long a trough filled up to a line. Now I have weight on where none was before.


I'm just waiting! As the voice cries out. Waiting when my voice joined in, crying out, from an empty life.


I'm just waiting! For someone who gives meaning to my life. Yup!


I sense I am one of the; Six Characters in Search of an Author : play by Luigi Pirandello.


Quite the cast for Devil's Rain ... somehow I've never even heard of it before. Your play sounds like something I would either love or hate, depending on the performance. Fortunately I find you on the good side of that coin.


Does life have meaning? For the most part I feel more like a leaf floating down the River of Time than some purposeful force of nature (and those times I do feel purposeful Nature seems to take no notice).



Luigi Pirandello is the author of the play. I know of it from seeing it in a small theater in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.

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That is some interesting stuff . But what say you about getting together for some dnd action ?

I retract my sentiment about EQ2 because it is a BiAtch hog of loading screens. (just tested)

And there has to be something better out there on the free market ?

Err even not free market. I'm open to suggestions. I just like the idea of adventure with you guys ; )



It would be a whole new area for me ... never played any version of DnD before.



I find that statement highly suspect considering your Avatar pic .


But I get the message ... that is a resounding NO from you people I was trying to con into rolling some dice together.

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