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thats why i can't see the new xbox one not having issues with the apus, especially when amd itself does not like overheating, not even if its a little bit. It most certainly will fry.

Both Xbox and PS4 will be using 28nm AMD Jaguar APUs. And that's the thing, Jaguar is a mobile product that uses little power and runs rather cool. I've seen benchmarks of the old Bulldozer mobile APUs and they were all within spec using a 40mm fan and a small cooler.


Pretty much all AMD APUs run rather cool, only the FX series, Athlons, Phenoms and Semprons run hot. APUs suck though, A10 6800K is close in performance to a high-end Core 2 Quad CPU so if game developers start making games for octa-cores, I'd say an AMD FX 8350 should be the king of the hill for quite a while till things catch up. :thumbsup:

Edited by Werne
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Check out the hardware thread, there is new gpu's coming out, the new models are strictly gpu's, not of that apu crap.

new radeon series of cards Dubbed Volcanic Island.

Its about time something came out and beat the 7970

Edited by Thor.
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In other news i bought early access State of Decay, Finally that zombie games finally come to the pc world :thumbsup:


Play it and tell me how it is, I was intrigued in it for a long time.


And tell me if you can play it with keyboard/mouse yet, or if I need a controller. And if I do need one, then does it need to be an xbox controller?

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Check out the hardware thread, there is new gpu's coming out, the new models are strictly gpu's, not of that apu crap.

new radeon series of cards Dubbed Volcanic Island.

Old news, I've seen those specs a month ago, supposedly the greatest of the series will be a dual-chip card with a GPU built on a 20nm process and 8GB VRAM that should be capable of beating Nvidia's dual-chip 690.


Those are rumors though, so far the greatest officially presented is a 28nm single-chip card that's faster than 7970, I've seen those specs already so it's nothing new to me.

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Did you guys ever have pancakes with bacon and melted cheese for dinner? I'm about to but I'm not sure if that will be any good. :ermm:

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French pancakes are similar Werne, only with cream, mushrooms, leek and gammon on top of it.. quite tasty if you like that toping on your pancakes.


Edit : Similar than this one


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