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The last poster wins


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People are complicated, sometimes nice and then later, they hate you. I will never understand this 'hate' thing :confused:

People are a**holes, that's one of the things you need to learn in order to survive in this world. But it's also good because you get to hate them and act like an a**hole too.


It's a win-win situation :thumbsup:



Now that I have sided with Tommy Smothers I appear to be the biggest Loser or A**hole of the day.


It Just Depends on who you ask!





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People are complicated, sometimes nice and then later, they hate you. I will never understand this 'hate' thing :confused:

This is why I hate people.


Edited by BlackRampage
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I remember some one saying, "Walk in like a lamb and walk out like a lion!" It is kind of hard to walk as I am sore and the crippling effects of my injuries make it difficult to bend down to bow to all the lions who are starving for what I have in my food bags.


If I don't walk tall my back hurts, if I don't take big strides my feet get sore in a big hurry, so I stand up correctly, I travel faster to get the things I need, if I spend time asking for help I feel the weight of my bodies pains growing burdensome as I stand there waiting.


I, iee, iee, I thank my God for the Internet!



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I remember some one saying, "Walk in like a lamb and walk out like a lion!"


I prefer "speak softly and carry a big stick" http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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