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The last poster wins


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Anyone had any problems with Steam heaving an extremely slow login process?

I am fine, but my friend in the US is heaving major problems with Steam. Login takes ages or crashes most of the time, when it is logged in it's working fine. Anyone had problems like that? (We're Googling the hell out of the internet but apparently no fix has been found yet :/ )


Besides that, I win.

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Anyone had any problems with Steam heaving an extremely slow login process?

I am fine, but my friend in the US is heaving major problems with Steam. Login takes ages or crashes most of the time, when it is logged in it's working fine. Anyone had problems like that? (We're Googling the hell out of the internet but apparently no fix has been found yet :/ )


Besides that, I win.

I live on the East Coast of the U.S. and have no problems with Steam, so don't think I can help much there.

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Anyone had any problems with Steam heaving an extremely slow login process?

I am fine, but my friend in the US is heaving major problems with Steam. Login takes ages or crashes most of the time, when it is logged in it's working fine. Anyone had problems like that? (We're Googling the hell out of the internet but apparently no fix has been found yet :/ )


Besides that, I win.


Yes, in the UK, but not so often I'd call it 'most of the time'.


Seems unrelated to the general speed of my internet connection at the time and is both random and unpredictable.


Most of the time when it happens, it seems to not load EVER no matter how long it's left for until I bomb it through task manager and restart. (All I even get to see when this happens is the small rectangular window you get "connecting Steam account...." but completely whited out so I can't even tell for sure that it is the "connecting steam account" dialogue).


I can't really justify or prove this theory, but I THINK it happnes when Steam tries to update (i.e update itself, not one of my games), and throws a wobbler, OR Something in Steam has got corrupted, as a lot of the time when it does finally start it will start by updating Steam.

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Well, I not sure what time it is over there, but here it's Friday night. I'm sure many are playing steam games right now. Steam also has a summer sale right now, so I'm sure many are browsing the store right now. Steam being somewhat slower is to be expected I'd say.


That said, I win.

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400 phht! We'll have that in no time. If we could only get the rest of member fired up. I've tried and I thought of this for those who have given some and called it a day.

The Last Poster Win's!



Well The Last Poster Win's game is a deep well and it's filled with love, humor, laughter, emotions of battle, fire and even anger.


To read through the pages you would think you were in the halls of a strange and wondrous place with vendors, civilians of all countries, all looking to see if we have any differences and similarities.


Times of troubles brew, emotions flare and you can feel it in your own chest as your heart beat increases and you begin to sweat.


Long lulls occur with good times, pets shows and pleasing pixs of all our lives jumbled in at the Babylon like fair, and we babble on.


Don't be a stranger! Check back as a guest once in a while, or anonymous. Some real good ideas could be brewing there sometimes.

:- )



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