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Christan Bale was in the SHAFT! remake

My personal favorite movie with Christian Bale is still Equilibrium. Badass movie. Though his portrayal of batman was also quite good.

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I'm going, night. :sleep:


Have a cat btw:


ITS ADORABLE!!!! :D I now want a kitten.


Oh and I win!

Edited by K00L
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Christan Bale was in the SHAFT! remake, he's British, he was also in Batman Begins with Rās al Liam Neeson, who contracted full blown AIDS from an African Prostitute for a comedy bit on a show written by Ricky Gervais, who I hear sometimes is considered a british comedian, I don't see it though.


to Explain Rās al Liam Neeson: the prolific Irish actor, most famous for being Jesus in Star Wars Episode 1 and The Chronicles of Narnia series and asking where his daughter has been taken in Taken and Taken 2, played Rās al Ghul in Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises.


This overblown post was brought to you by: Winn Dixie, the beef people.


EDIT: CBS Cares.


That's all well and good, but I think we both know full well that the remake was butchery.


Samuel L Jackson is good, he's funny, but he's not SHAFT! any more than lv000's cat is.


Your instincts are correct on Ricky Gervais though, don't let anybody tell you he's a comedian.


Speaking of that cat, why has it's ear been airbrushed out? Does it have some kind of corporate non-approved sponsor tattoo'd there or something?

Edited by tetradite
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Speaking of that cat, why has it's ear been airbrushed out? Does it have some kind of corporate non-approved sponsor tattoo'd there or something?

Oh weird. I didn't notice that... ._.

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Speaking of that cat, why has it's ear been airbrushed out? Does it have some kind of corporate non-approved sponsor tattoo'd there or something?

Oh weird. I didn't notice that... ._.


Also, I'm fairly certain that's an "I'm having/about to have a poo" face. It's the same slightly concerned faraway stare that babies get.

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Maybe... :rolleyes:

Just kidding, its just my "Oh.... That's strange" face

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