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I had a nightmare that my dad suddenly entered my room and told me to go study history D:

Worst nightmare ever.

I love history, BUT i love to study it for MY self.

For example there are only few things i don't know about russian history,

but whats the point in it when it's totally useless in school. :sad:

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I always liked history and I always hated studying for school. I would read the history books because I liked it but when I needed to study for a test or something, I wouldn't even touch them.
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Box and fuel system? I don't get it, there should be a pump, a filter, a carburetor and injectors, the rest are just tubes. If either of them falls off there should be fuel all over the floor. Unless it's a new car with electronic sensors and stuff, then you might be screwed.


The box seems to catch gasoline fumes and then move them somewhere and do something with them which seems like it's likely to make the car go boom if that box gets scratched up too much. Metal box scraping along pavement...sparks...gas fumes...bye bye Bethie :(



I could do the job. Do I have to travel far, will you grab me up so other people who need help don't first, and will you give me food and shelter until I finish making the temporary part you need?


Ooo! A bug just bit me.


I win!


Hey Paga! It's a couple thousand miles but hey, you needed the change of scenery anyway right? ;) Hope you like soups and sandwiches because I fail at cooking >.<

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Aaand I'm mostly done with this summer sale. Threw my last moneys towards Dark Souls, which I absolutely forgot about until now.

Still have a bit left, maybe there'll be something cheap I'm interested in later on. Let's hope not :ohdear:

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I've just finished playing Two Worlds 2 and loved it as much as 1. Will most probably play Risen 2 now, although can't get DLCs till later on in the week :(
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