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The last poster wins


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That happens everywhere :D


Summary of genuine conversation(s) shortened for ease:


ME: "I just got xxxxxxxx"

FRIEND: "Why didn't you just torrent it?"

ME: "Uhhh 'cos I want it to work and not riddle my machine with trojans? How many times have you had to reinstall your entire system from scratch in the last year?"

FRIEND: "Only 3, but that was because....."



Really? I thought I'm the only one in that situation.

Oh well. Haters gonna hate.


But it's only $4.99USD. I thought the Euro was worth more USD.


Steam's logic: 1€ = 1$ :facepalm:

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"And then there's local randomness like sales tax to possibly factor in..."


On internet sales? We only pay sales tax if the company has bricks and mortar presence in the state. Otherwise, no sales tax. Of course you are supposed to notify the state and pay the tax when you pay your state income tax.


I win.

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"And then there's local randomness like sales tax to possibly factor in..."


On internet sales? We only pay sales tax if the company has bricks and mortar presence in the state. Otherwise, no sales tax. Of course you are supposed to notify the state and pay the tax when you pay your state income tax.


I win.


Exactly. Is the EU the same? Is the EU the same in non Eurozone countries like the UK? I don't even know all the ins and outs for certain and I used to work for the taxman! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/facepalm.gif (boooo-hisss I know)


In the UK we have the oddity that books have no sales tax, but e-books DO have sales tax. So I'm very much assuming that electronic games sales attract VAT @ 20%.


Yep, 20%.

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Now where did I leave my extra set of clones?

They were in my kitchen, eating my cookies. Not anymore though, now they're tied up in my basement waiting to be shipped to a Siberian prison camp.




You found my kitchen clones?! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif I wondered where Apron and Smock went!


Siberia?! http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/pirate.gif Ah! Good they love that kind of climate there. Of course their presence may heat up that area of the continent nicely so you can see what lays under all that permafrost in a year or two. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/mellow.gif


*Archaeologist's! Prepare your equipment for thawed out soft soil!*


*About a decade of mysteries will be answered. My favorite question will likely be answered, "Where did all the Wool Mammoths go?* They are under the Siberian blanket of Permafrost resting.http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/teehee.gif

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sorry guys for being late, i was arguing with the pizza boy. They never put enough ketchups :D

oh, and about skyrim i bought it at a price that is high in my country!

And you know how much i paid 1.85 $ thats right 1.85 $

ridiculous huh?

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You win if she knitted you a sweater with Rainbow Dash on it :P

That would be nice but she doesn't do anything other than complaining about everything. That and asking for money even though she's got more than enough on her bank account. I thought grandparents should give money to grandchildren, not the other way around.

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