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The last poster wins


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In all seriousness, books are good. I'm one for the classics myself (by which I mean Homer, not Jane Austen).


BUT, don't overlook radio (especially Radio4 for us Brits, that has taught me more over my life than probably anything), TV and even video games as a source of learning and inspiration. It's all about how you use the medium, not which medium you use. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif

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I've seen those "books" you all talk about so fondly. Someone told me they were good insulation so I covered my apartment's walls with them but boy, do they cost... Anyway, still buy them, usually for the colour of the spine. I only wish they had more controls and buttons, and the pages weren't all dirty with those "letters" and stuff. :mellow:
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You lot are as bad as my youngest son. I have Irlen's which mean reading black on white is not possible as the words start spiralling and disappear off the page unless I use my specially tinted glasses to stop the glare. To help at uni, I had Dragon Naturally Speaking put on my computers which meant that I only had to talk to the machines and they would do what I wanted, ie open Microsoft Office, email, books etc. I could dictate my work, have it read back etc etc etc.


My youngest son must have been 5/6 when I got a phone call from his school asking me to pop in to see them as there was a problem. I got there the following day to be told that Jack was refusing to learn to read and write and that it was my fault. He was brought into the office and I asked him why he wouldn't read etc and he said that there was no need as computers could do all that for him so what was the point.


Needless to say I came home and promptly took off the program .....


Whilst technology is amazing, let us not forget that there are things we MUST learn to do ourselves :thumbsup:


Many bits of wisdom hang in limbo because the last mathematician, the last chemist, the last scientist, the last linguist, or the last Archaeologist could not see through their tired minds eyes the clue staring them in the face until a youth made a gesture bringing them to see a possible answer.


It would be helpful if school teachers were allowed to inform us of this when we entertain their reason for us to read, explore, and seek out a course of interest to us which inspires us to seek adventure in our own way. Some times the information we seek to answer our question's has not yet been electronically cataloged.


Without the Internet life would be slowed dramatically causing our ability to communicate discoveries and find out for certain if what we found was anything new. The Internet saves us brain power, saves our physical energy, and saves our stamina when we are the kind who are driven by a determination that is rarely seen in life for learning.


Some times those who have the determination lose it before they get a focus on what really drives our interest and fuels our imagination. I know. I am one of the people who had my spirit stalled over and over until I was nearly ready to give up.


Because I am here today I WIN! In my own spirited way I WON! Now that I have again pointed the minds of people who I may only be acquainted with via this device known as the Internet to realize their own adventure is as important as anyone else's, I feel I have WON. I have another reason to go on searching for what may inspire me to seek out and discover even a minuscule bit of knowledge that was waylaid because the previous adventurer did not quite have the energy to finish their goal.


Now there may be one adult more, one youth more, or one totally unexpected party that I will discover or they may discover me and share something I missed that will help complete the puzzled portion of my minds adventure and give me a moment of bliss.


Then I will find another adventure keynote and start all over again.








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