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I don't like any touch games what so ever. I say, "leave me be with my damned controller! If I wanted to simulate cleaning glass or wave around a dvd remote I'd just do that!" to my cats, they love touch games. They carved up my brother's 3DS screen. I lol'd.


Haha. I tried to get my cat to play a game on our smartphone. He wasn't very interested :P It probably would have got his attention more if the screen was bigger.


Speaking of cats, mine can be such a dummy sometimes:




He does this at least 3 times a week :P Haha, we were watching Star Trek: Enterprise when he did that :P It was hard not to start laughing.

Edited by Illiad86
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I thought that meant actually trying to eat the window, which my dog does. He gives it a few licks and then stops with his mouth open against it like he is trying to bite down on it.
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Is planning to make a mod(s) with 11 new towns/villages/settlements masochistic?


for what game?


Oh I'll be away for about 6 hours or so as I'm having a new heating system put into the house. 3-storey house, new boiler, 10 new radiators, 1 new fire and surround, it'll be wonderful when finished but can't do anything as the electric and water will be off for quite a few hours lol.


Bbl guys. Great job by the way we are now onto our 1st quarter of 100k. Coooooool


:biggrin: :teehee: :biggrin: :teehee: :biggrin: :teehee: :biggrin: :teehee: :biggrin: :teehee: :biggrin: :teehee:

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I remember when I started grumbling about the video games needing a tweak here or I did not like that part of the game because...


I got starting trying to make mod's. I was so unhinged by my effort because I literally was not fully aware of how those old 20 MB hard drives could get ruined by overloading them a little too much. I remember I successfully wrote a mod which was about 600 MB on a 3 1/2 Floppy that could hold 640 MB. I was so excited though I pushed the envelope and put another 40 MB on the disk and it quite working.


Today I could be like some of you. I could see what I hated about a game. I can see what I hate just about anything, but I challenged myself to see if I could make it better doing it the way I thought it would be better rather than complain about how I hated it.


I hate consoles because the little controllers aren't wide enough so I don't clamp my arms tightly against my sides and strangle my sweat glands. Have any of you ever had to have a armpit sweat gland lanced and drained for six weeks so the lump under your shoulder went away?


I did. And if I could made the controllers for XBOX or PS3 wider for my wide chest and shoulders I probably would like to play with those console game machines more. DING!



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Is it worth the 120$ just to get a new OS that can run DX10? :dry:


Sigh, everything must be so expensive... Especially books!! I mean text books, not like a nice, normal book... Speaking of I finally (took me several months) finished the last Hunger Games book. >.> I don't read much because I just can't really find things I like to read, and I kept putting off finishing that. :ermm:

And now that's yet another trilogy done. Mass Effect. Hunger Games. Something else I had in my head and it slipped away into the void of strange, colorful things that float and bounce about my brain. And now I am making nonsensical statements about the condition of my thinking device. Why? Because I truly have nothing better to do. Perhaps sleep would be a good choice... Yes... Sleep.


Good night! :happy:

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Well I can't sleep. :\

Random Fact:

My dad went to school with someone famous. He also called him names, specifically something dumb like pot roast or something else that involved some type of cooked meat. Good job Dad! Bet you wish you were nice now that he makes millions a year...

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