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It's a pond and seemingly juniper trees. There's a park at my uni that looks absolutely identicle through GE, and since Area 51 is a research base, it makes sense to have a nice break area. Provided there was water, and there is, those trees would be fine in the heat.
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It's a pond and seemingly juniper trees. There's a park at my uni that looks absolutely identicle through GE, and since Area 51 is a research base, it makes sense to have a nice break area. Provided there was water, and there is, those trees would be fine in the heat.

I figured as much, just thought the colour looked off - started thinking it was something like scorched rock or something :tongue:

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my kitties are driving me insane, its pouring with rain. I don't mean pitter patter rain, I mean a total deluge, the type that could sweep you away if you're not careful. Guess wot, my kitties want to go out and play :confused:


Yesterday it was Mary Poppins weather. They went out and literally blew back in through the window. Didn't go out again after that epic fail :laugh:


Wont let them out as soggy kitty is not something I want to see flying round a 3 storey house trying to get dry :facepalm:

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One more time I type with a mind http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/blink.gif to say a good bunch of trees make an excellent wind breaker http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/smile.gif and a parked vehicle with the guy spinning the radio dial to try to find some mood music to get his girlfriend a bit more on don't seem too odd. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/geek.gif


If the vehicle left quickly it was probably because they realized someone was prying http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/cool.gif MIB into their private affairs who had a camera. LOL


In all seriousness if it was a call for help, there must be others with similar transportation which can be of assistance. In not so serious a note, in this 21st Century I still don't have the car I wanted that could fly. I'll have to sit back dream up a blueprint for that one. I will have to focus aid through the spirit channel for the time being and hope there is presence that may clear up all the wondrous delight in space ships which are probably as common day as some for some people as video games are for the likes of me.




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