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I lost interest after star wars the original trilogy, the ones not edited by lucas himself.

Lucas only Directed/Edited A New Hope. He found the experience to be too stressful so he handed off the responsibilities to other parties.

His involvement is irrelivent to the quality of the editing/directing of the classics, he wrote them all.


I'd like to point out that the Star Wars universe is best left to people other than George Lucas. For example Knights of the Old Republic is, in my humblest of opinions, the finest Star Wars story told, a story which Lucas only greenlighted, he was not involved other than creating Star Wars. Another example (as far as writing) is the Clone Wars Cartoon Network series, it shows that Anakin and Obi-Wan could have been written (and sometimes acted) in a way that wouldn't make the prequels hard to watch. Granted it's aimed at kids, but it preforms better as a cohesive piece of entertainment, than anything else Star Wars on the big screen since 1989.


Don't believe that George Lucas is the problem? Look at Howard the Duck, American Graffiti, Willow, or better yet the remake of THX1138 compared to the original, it's clear Lucas lost his soul/talent after his falling out with Francis Ford Coppala. The Indiana Jones movies were really only saved, well the first three, by Steven Speilberg's level of involvement. Lucas became a mynock on his own flagships.


Oh, I better make it clear: :geek:


Later on.


I'm talking about missing content http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/geek.gif


A friend of mine has the Laser Disk version, completely untouched and with 100% original content. http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/geek.gif I don't know if he has the defective copy though???




Edited by Thor.
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That is just sooooo funny. It encompasses how I feel every couple of hours "Stop the world!!! I wanna get off!!!"


I'd still like to know how the hell it managed to climb up the fence without the aid of a ladder :D

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I have a funny Borderlands story for you. I was trying out an Anarchy build, I got to the maximum Anarchy cap, and then the game immediately crashed.


With Anarchy, every time you empty a mag or kill an enemy, you get a single stack of anarchy, which grants 1.75% more damage and 1.75% less accuracy. Byt the time the game crashed I have over 400% more damage, a reticule spanning more than half the screen, and my Derp Nukem(awesomest name ever) was doing well over a million damage per shot(1041K was the damage number) but as I approached the Anarchy saturation point, max anarchy, the game CRASHED.


It was fun though-it's impossible to stack your anarchy that high without feeling like a god-you do such insane damage, especially with a Bee shield, that almost nothing, not even bosses, can even threaten you, you can just whip out your shotgun, and pray. Perhaps the funniest part is, my rifle has it's accuracy LOCKED to 100%, it's accuracy cannot actually be effected by Anarchy, which means it does over 200,000 damage shot, with perfect accuracy, albeit that it sways like a ship at sea.


Thor-Nec Pluribus Impar I think you mean, it means "greater than all" or something like that, my latin isn't 100%. And yeah, I've had one, that's the one that shoots cannonballs isn't it? I can't use it unfortuntely, being a Mechromancer, we can't use any weapon that holds only a single bullet due to some shoddy coding that makes the game bug out, leaving us with a weapon that holds o ammo and can't be reloaded.

Edited by Vindekarr
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