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Did anyone here have an intelligence test?

My psychiatrist wants me to take one in a few weeks and I'm nervous on how that will look like and how well I'll do. She told me I show signs of dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysgraphia and maybe more, and that I'll have to talk with a logopedist about that, and now I'm afraid that I might score low.

I looked up a few on the internet and the most legit looking one was from mensa, which was basically finding the right symbol to a row of already existing ones.


So, can anyone give any info on that? Anything at all?

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Could you describe it a bit please? Though thanks for telling it was easy, at least I'm less nervous.

Edit: Thanks :P


And yeah I took some free ones on the net too, but I didn't take them that seriously and just rushed through them since I have no idea how credible they are, and I have no idea what to do with those numbers either.

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Uh...first they give a booklet with about...10 pages. I remember the 1st question. There was basically a shop window with loads of signs on it saying things like "Half price" or "Clearance on toasters" and the questions were: What is he selling for half price?


Then there was this thing where these people do these quotes like "I think nurseries are good for younger children" then you had to match that to the person that you think said it ;D


THEN there was this test where you have to put crosses in circles without going over the lines.


THEN there was this spelling test


THEN this handwriting test where you just write as neatly and as quickly as possible ;D

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The mensa test is alright, but you won't find your artistic or emotive or social intelligence reflected in the results.

Social intelligence?

I have major problems with social situations :confused: Artistic, my handwriting is awful to say the least, also bad at generally anything that involves me and a pencil. Emotive, I'm guessing it has to do with emotions, and I'm overly emotional/extremely sensitive in some cases.



And thank you AAN, though it sounds like it's basically a test about the things I'm bad at. Except spelling and the question stuff. :confused:

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