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My 14yr old son broke his left arm for the second time in two years at the weekend and that was coz he and his younger bro were fighting and mucking around. Not a happy bunny to say the least as, once again, he can't play football until his arm heals. He has two championship matches this week and he can't play in either. He feels rotten and his younger brother is still so full of angst and "I don't care" that I'm about to post myself to Peru for some peace and quiet :(

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I have an impressive wound collection. I was looking around a scrapyard for a car recently, found something interesting, reached up to open the door(it was stacked up on another car) and found that the top part of the door was an exposed and very sharp bit of metal. Not a small cut, though I was very lucky since it missed anything structural-it was deep enough. I ended up nearly passing out, and throwing up, though mostly due to the shear grossness of being introduced to the internal anatomy of my right hand on such short notice, the poor yard manager was a little shocked too, kept apologising and I kept saying it was fine. Whole thing left me in stitches, in hindsight.


In terms of direct injuries, I whacked my ankle last year something nasty while giving the Eastern Creek barrier fence a friendly hug at 70 MPH, flame broiled my finger on a hot exhaust header(if this teaches you anything, where gloves near cars) and-surprise, did my hand in AGAIN on the steering wheel early this year and pulled a muscle in my arm.


In terms of ball sports, I lost a toenail playing soccer once, that was frickin' brutal. Not right away mind you, but a few days later the nail fell off after nearly being ripped off. Seriously, lacerating your hand hurts a bit, but less than you'd expect die to nerve damage, flame broiling your hand hurts more, but crap, getting your big toe driven over by a yard tractor, goddamn hurts a LOT. The other really spectacular one cam eplaying my favoured ballsport, Baseball. I was going for the plate and found a rather impressively sharp rock underneath it, I can still feel the little divet it took out of my humerous to this day. I did not find it remotely humerous at the time, I think I said something rather unedifying like <drawn out, comedic censor bleep>


Oh, and I got attacked by a Mexican Land Piranha once aswell, while walking my far nobler dog. Blasted thing affixed himself upon my ankle, and since it was someone's beloved pet I wasn't game to follow my instinct to kick it like a football, eventually the owner heard the screaming and ripping and came and prized the vile thing off, as much to save it from Achilles, my by then very angry German Sheperd, as to save me from it. Filthy things, I've hated them ever since.




Speaking of fuzzballs, my girlfriend's gone which means her disgusting cats are too. Honestly I had liked cats until she brought two in, then I... liked them a bit less. I've been thnking of getting a dog, like a big Spitz or something. The climate's just perfect for the. Certainly a proper dog, rather than one of those stupid land piranhas like my neighbour has.



Edited by Vindekarr
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Don't get me wrong, i still like cats, but I'm not a cat person. The relationship you have with a cat is entirely different to what you get from a dog, and I preffer that sort of companion. Dogs just embody what I like in people so much more than people do. Dogs are better people than we are. :thumbsup:
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