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Thor-if you do grab FC3, give me a shout how it is, I'm always on the lookout for good shooters with a difference.


Day 4 of Halo 4, and still yet to find anything to gripe about in it, which is really saying something considering how good I am at griping and targeted search N gripe. Got my Recon helmet today-Recon model helmets made players have proverbial fits in Halo 3 because they were insanely rare, like a golden egg of something. Here it's just another hat, Ranger's where it's at now and I'm 3% of the way towards it already. Halo 4 is very much I've found, a game about collecting hats. Every ten levels you unlock new helmets(hats) and which one you wear seems to define your social status online. The shiniest, rarest, hardest to get hat with the shiniest visor always seems to define the bossman.

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I've been looking into subliminals lately and it made me notice something - the link between the elder scrolls god julianos and illuminati. I'm not being paraniod or suspicious I just noticed a link here :tongue:


It turns the illuminati is meant to be a secret controlling authority who are the ultimate controlling power over the worlds events, and I have seen them linked into subliminal advertising.


Julianos is the Cyrodilic god of literature, law, history, and contradiction. Monastic orders founded by Tiber Septim and dedicated to Julianos are the keepers of the Elder Scrolls.


http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/greatseal/illuminati.jpg The image supposedly for illuminati,

http://images.wikia.com/elderscrolls/images/0/00/TESV_Shrine_Julianos.png The Julianos shrine - look at the top!


Found this too /jw_mcguinn/0julianos3.jpg, looks like a mod or something for julianos armour - funny how they chose an owl, which is also a popular symbol for the group.


Get you tin foil hats on kiddies!

Edited by Ironman5000
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That number of the beast is actually 616 so whoever wrote that has made a balls of that theory or the illuminati are stupid...probably the latter :tongue:


I was looking at the the lucas to disney change over and it reminded me that walt disney was actually supposed to be 33 freemason, hence all the magic in his cartoons. Disney played a massive part in subliminal advertisement before they got collared for it and had to edit them, look it up you can see how they use sex themes quite a lot.

Edited by Ironman5000
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Yeah I saw all that >.>


And I still have a headache. Pills arent helping either.

Also my eyes hurt a lot. I noticed that a lot earlier too, I think naomis you could be right about Irlens. I told my dad and he will ask around where I can get tested. Thanks for the heads up btw.

Edited by Iv000
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I would say its that, but I had to turn down my computer time a lot because I need to study longer. My eyes and head both started hurting more ever since. The main thing about this isn't that body parts hurt, but that I cant memorize things while reading, and that I cant enjoy reading books.
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