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Far Cry 3 has horrible optimization.

Horrible mouse lag, horrible stuttering, horribly low FPS on even medium settings, horrible pixely transition effects when moving nearer/farther from objects. Menu's are laggy as well.


Thor, I know you have a Radeon card. If you have the game, any similar problems?

I refuse to believe that my 6870 won't run the game on Medium settings, with lowest SSAO and lowest AA.

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It's working for many other people, but some experience the same issues.


I have to put everything to the lowest possible settings so I can play it without getting a headache. Could be the drivers, or I have to super tweak the settings because there's maybe one option which hates AMD cards.

Idk, I'm searching for a fix.

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I wish I hadn't got a pc with amd, when I first got skyrim I couldn't see magic or web effects which i'm pretty sure was down to the card and could only fix it with an enb patch. Developers just seem to not cater for us :facepalm:
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Ok, I fixed most of it by switching the GPU buffer setting to 1, switched from DirectX 11 to DX9, disabled all SSAO and AA, vsync to 1. Menus, stuttering and lag is fixed now. The strange pixel transition of textures or meshes when coming nearer is still there though. But I had that in AC3 as well, so maybe its either me or Ubi hates AMD. I should update the drivers probably.


To describe it better, it's the draw distance thing where the game switches from lower to higher quality assets as you move closer. I'm sure it's not meant to look like a cheap pixel transition made in PowerPoint.

Edited by Iv000
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