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Nope wrong, I have studied advertisement and media in university and trust me I am not a slave to any of it. If anything I am able to control it.


Sex does sell but here it's just a bit of fun, sounds like you are just having a moan because you don't like them :rolleyes:

Please, don't take any of my 'moaning' this seriously that you have to call it moaning. PLEASE, the last thing I want to be looked as is as some kind of gay activist that's against boobs. I am not.


I am a 17 year old guy, in the wrong place, at the wrong time, trying to figure out stuff in life. I am a horribly broken human being, and I am trying to figure out which parts of me are and are not broken, so I can fix them or not. It's not that I am 'moaning' because I don't like them, I'm moaning because my bi boyfriend likes them, you do, but I don't. Why is that so? I want to know why I am like this, why you are like that, why my boyfriend is like he is.


I am sorry if I seem...umm offended or too defensive or something. I am seriously just trying to figure out things. I just have so many questions and no answers and nobody to talk to about it. TRULY talk about it I mean.

My head hurts because of too many questions, and I realize I write stuff that sounds offensive/defensive/whatever.


I'm just trying to find answers. That is all of it.

And I just wish I had someone to talk to about it, because I always seem to get more questions than answers. Which makes me like you saw me a few times in this thread.

I'm just broken, and I don't want to be.


(I am also very very bad at putting my thoughts into words, so I'm sorry if some of my texts seem inconsistent. I wish I could just somehow show you all the stuff going on in my head maybe someone else could make sense of it.)

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It's not that confusing, if you are straight/gay/bi then that's how you were born it's nothing to with societal pressure or choice or whatever. You just need to have fun with it and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, even if they are a pain in the arse because they don't get it.
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It's not that confusing, if you are straight/gay/bi then that's how you were born it's nothing to with societal pressure or choice or whatever. You just need to have fun with it and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing, even if they are a pain in the arse because they don't get it.



I think you would discover that we all lived in a womb for nine months more or less.


Our mothers character is impressed on us for the most part while we are gestating. It has been proven we actually hear, feel, and learn while we are developing inside Mother.


It is reported over and over that the man child is as much effeminate in the first few years of his life as his sister's until we are five years old.


In a healthy family it can be seen we are as attentive to our mothers as our fathers are and begin to show jealous reactions to our fathers advances to our Mothers. In some of the most extreme cases boys are removed from their mother as early as five years of age and placed in the care of their father.


Definitions from birth to that point are feminine. Our character mostly familiar with female trait's until we begin to realize we are physically different. Which is believed to be between the age of 3 and 5 years of age at which time we begin to realize the difference between good and bad according to our Mothers instruction's beginning at 5 until we are 7 when another physical mind set begins to form. From then on we develop almost a completely new body every seven years until we reach our full height and weight.


Once boys are separated from their mother and become more familiar with their fathers behavior they compete more for their mother attentions.


Drawing our male attention back to the chest with milk on it. Fathers who are sincere about raising a male spend time in folly competing for both of their hearts desire. Breast milk.


Love eventually starts to queue in the boys tempers as they recognize their fathers temper's and a bit of conflict arises.


A well versed and trained father switches tactics and leads the son off to find food in the wild to appease the new tempers for the love of their life at the dinner table. Hence the titles suggestion, "Bringing home the bacon."


If a male child, and I knew a few, is left alone with their mother at that young age because of their father's death in the war or in some working accident the child leans to become a member of the more effeminate social atmosphere. Some become better at leadership and follow another man who wins their mothers attention in an effort to be more admired by their Mother as the man is who has replaced their father.


One revolution got it's started, I believe, simply because the ruling classes were more effeminate who were running society and the working classes, ignorance, gave cause to fan the fires of revolution, hence their great war and the invention of the guillotine.


An extreme society of one kind would be highly visible in another if they were there in that same era with the, "Spartan's". Boys to men, men to hunter's, hunter's to warrior's. In the movie the 300 their depiction of the son's graduation was simple. To be left out in the cold alone with, in the movie, with a competive force lingering nearby known as, "Wolf"


A big one as I recall. Big to a 13 year old. Essentially our mind set is kept male as long as there is a male who we acknowledge as our father or a good man who likeness gives us the same conditioning our father might have.


Often times that was an uncle.

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YaeaH Nurb looks really good now.





can't wait fro the final release http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/dance.gif Looks like gt5 hsa some competition now http://forums.nexusmods.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/woot.gif I hope they have 24h and type v

Edited by Thor.
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I found out today that were it not for a last-instant intervention by Microsoft, Halo would have been a Mac game and probably fallen into obscurity.



Those were the days, worth a look if you're a Halo for or nostalgic.

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