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Ups and downs, yes.

Im doing a lot better than last time we talked though. Still downs, but right bow accompanied by more ups. The bigger downs got ups in them too, so you could say that all is well atm. Got big plans for the near future and not so near future too :) also slowly finding my way profession wise.


I was hoping you'd be better though I see still problems with sleep? And i saw the little derps xD they're cute. Hope work is ok for you too. :) stay safe you, you helped a lot back then I wont forget it

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Ups and downs, yes.

Im doing a lot better than last time we talked though. Still downs, but right bow accompanied by more ups. The bigger downs got ups in them too, so you could say that all is well atm. Got big plans for the near future and not so near future too :smile: also slowly finding my way profession wise.


I was hoping you'd be better though I see still problems with sleep? And i saw the little derps xD they're cute. Hope work is ok for you too. :smile: stay safe you, you helped a lot back then I wont forget it


Good... general upward trajectory is what matters :)


And I can't be doing that bad if I'm doing any work at all... actually it's kinda related to why I haven't been around, limited energy so tried putting it into different things for a while.


I love my little derps, they are the best pets ever, so little work and they're nocturnal like me!

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"Limited energy".

Talking like an old man :P lol good though, glad you got some work going :)


I still owe you if you want anything and think I can help chat me, if you wont then I'll think of something anyway. (Before i forget, the dota 2 code was a freebie, i still got like 20 of em so dont worry sbout that)


Gotta sleep now, my sleep schedule is "modified". Long story short love makes you do crazy things, nice things but still crazy.


Oh well only one life and you gotta do everything to make sure you dont regret and miss out on stuff. :) night all ttyl

Edited by Iv000
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