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Mine. 65$ is a good price too in the long run :yes:

Kids these days, buying a new keyboard while the old one works... :rolleyes:


I've been using the same keyboard for 12 years, got it with the first computer I owned. Here's a pic of it (not my pic but the same keyboard):


Still works great, it's quite silent when typing, doesn't look modern though (just look at the Windows key logo, Win95). And I think I should really clean it, there's a whole bunch of crap beneath the keys.


Even if it dies (I doubt it will ever die), I'm not buying anything that costs 65$. 20$ is the maximum amount of money I'll give for a keyboard, and even that is if I really can't find any other I like that is cheaper.

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Kids these days, buying a new keyboard while the old one works... :rolleyes:


I've been using the same keyboard for 12 years, got it with the first computer I owned. Here's a pic of it (not my pic but the same keyboard):


Still works great, it's quite silent when typing, doesn't look modern though (just look at the Windows key logo, Win95). And I think I should really clean it, there's a whole bunch of crap beneath the keys.


Even if it dies (I doubt it will ever die), I'm not buying anything that costs 65$. 20$ is the maximum amount of money I'll give for a keyboard, and even that is if I really can't find any other I like that is cheaper.

Actually, I broke the old one just today ;D


And I need a good keyboard because I'm spending the majority of my time on my PC.


+ when it comes to programming you dont want a cheap feeling keyboard, since I'm already spending hours typing code, it should at least be comfortable.


+ gaming, it needs to be resistant to my raping. I raped the wasd keys so much on my previous keyboards they broke xD I decided to put a bit more cash this time for a better quality one. And better looking one too.


It's not mechanical I think, but the reviews say its good for gaming and programming.


And besides, you're just saying that because it looks nice. I wanted to buy one that looks something like this just a tad cleaner:




I forgot the name, but it's a mechanical one and people swear by it.


In the end I decided to get something to match my mouse :P




and before you ask, i'm typing his on my older broken keyboard i dug out of the pile of tech i have lying around. It has so much resistance it's like the keys are forming a revolution against me. You gotta press them really hard so they notice you're actually pressing them.

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" You gotta press them really hard so they notice you're actually pressing them."

Heaven forbid you should have to exert yourself. Since I learned typing on a manual Smith-Corona, you get no sympathy from me. :biggrin:

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" You gotta press them really hard so they notice you're actually pressing them."

Heaven forbid you should have to exert yourself. Since I learned typing on a manual Smith-Corona, you get no sympathy from me. :biggrin:

I had one of those when I was younger (Still lying aroudn here somehwere) and at least they feel nice(er). This feels like cheap plastic rubber crap :P

I dont mind pressing harder, but it should at least feel somewhat acceptable for long term typing and do as few mistakes as possible.

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There we go Nurburgring's done. I'm pretty proud of that, knowing that I've beaten literally the hardest available race in any game I have.

Hey champion did you come in first out of them all ???


also i want that keyboard, dang gaming keyboard is all sticky hates fast typing.


Mechanical i want.

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???????? sick minds confuse me???



Logic is the only thing that comes to mind, and Hot woman in bikinis

YAY i found a way to encode mp3 to a 6channel flac format, the sound quality is really good.

My creative xfi mp3 player supports flac



and the file size is only 23mb, i wish it was universal mp3 encoded in a 6.1 flac container

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???????? sick minds confuse me???

Yeah, well, I get confused by normal minds.


YAY i found a way to encode mp3 to a 6channel flac format, the sound quality is really good.

My creative xfi mp3 player supports flac



and the file size is only 23mb, i wish it was universal mp3 encoded in a 6.1 flac container

That's like beating a dead horse, useless and the carcass just takes up space.


MP3 is lossy, not losless, there's a big difference between the two. Therefore, MP3 is lower quality that FLAC (320kbps compared to 1411). Turn MP3 into FLAC and you get absolutely nothing except a 320kbps song taking up 23MB, no quality gain what so ever. :rolleyes:

[/lecture in audio encoding]




Hey champion did you come in first out of them all ???

I immediately thought of something completely unrelated when I read this.

Sshhh, I wanna now if he came. :P

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You can get it near lossless with lame then transcode it in a flac 6.1 channel container. vbr is the best way, also razer lame is a good start.


I also use some fancy Eq settings to get the quality near lossless sounding.


not just you're average dsp.


:yes: :yes:




decrease the input, increase the output


Winamp in itself has one nifty lame encoder, not to mention free, also you can use dsp output at the same time to get that optimal sound :thumbsup: Another reason why i like winamp over anything else.

Also media coder has winamp dsp support to, which makes it even cooler.

Note the lossy compression doesn't work with 128kbps audio files

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