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The dog in the next Call of Duty will die 2/3 of the way through. One of their producers must have seen Red Dog and thought "hmm, we should make the next COD so that the players become attached to a dog, and then we kill it so they can be sad, muahahaha."

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The dog in the next Call of Duty will die 2/3 of the way through. One of their producers must have seen Red Dog and thought "hmm, we should make the next COD so that the players become attached to a dog, and then we kill it so they can be sad, muahahaha."

I didn't play any Call of Duty from the series since COD2. And the last one I actually liked was Call of Duty 1 with United Offensive, I still like it. :thumbsup:


And after I've seen they put zombies in COD5, I shall never touch that digital abomination, never ever again. :yucky: I'll still play COD1 though, the others are abominations.

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I've only ever played Modern Warfare 3 and Black Ops 2, and they're ok I guess. My brother "likes" them, or more accurately, is pressured into buying them because of his friends.


Personally, I don't really enjoy shooter games much unless they have a decent storyline or something more than just "bang bang kill explosion!"


ME3 and Fallout games are good because of their storylines and roleplaying aspects. :thumbsup:

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Today I watched a "Fly Porn" on youtube because I was so bored I can't even describe the horrors I have seen and will not post any "fly porn" here. :ohdear:

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Today I watched a "Fly Porn" on youtube because I was so bored I can't even describe the horrors I have seen and will not post any "fly porn" here. :ohdear:

I searched for it just after you said this.


You know it's not the fly porn that's strange, it's the fact that the first comment on the video was "this is making me so god damn horny" and that guy's profile pic was an above average long penis.


Because you know, internet

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