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Grid 2... There is no word in entish, elvish or the tongues of men for just how brilliant an arcade racer this game is... I wanted to pick up something with pretty graphics to try out my new PC, and I absolutely loved the original Grid back in '06, but I didn't realise just how hard Codies was trying when they made the sequal, it's an amazing game, it's not quite Gran Turismo grade, but it's unbelievably close, and by far and above the prettiest vanilla game I've ever played. YES, it's completely unrealistic, YES, it's a little cheesey, YES, the system requirements are laptop grade, but for a console port, it looks INCREDIBLE, the driving mechanics are the best I've ever seen from an Arcade racer, there's a huge list of cars, and I'm absolutely loving it. Hit me up on STEAM if you've got it, #vindekar(no caps)


I've also been having a helluva good time with Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. Given the tiny budget, the fact I got my copy for $12 on PSN, and the fact it's a cel-shaded Western made by a studio of ill-repute, it should have sucked so hard it blew; a crappy Red-Dead knockoff that everyone should have briefly raged about then forgotten. But that's not how it turned out. The voice acting is impeccable, there's great character design, the shooting mechanics are watertight, the story really pulls you in and makes you feel emotionally involved, and it's probably the world's prettiest vanilla cel-shaded game. Sure, it's short, built on a shoestring and there's only like, five guns, but it's 1878, there were no laser scopes or tacticool shenanigens, you had a Colt Peacemaker, bullets, and your wits, and this game captures this perfectly. The storytelling is innovative aswell.


See, you're an old, grey Gunslinger, who's dragged his carcass to the saloon to tell his bloody tail, the game takes place in a series of narrated flashback missions, sounds terrible, right? It works. Really well. The most innovative thing here is, as Silas argues with other pub-goers about the details, gets progressively more drunk, and either suddenly remembers a detail or a bit he forgot, the level dynamically changes, in a very well-handled way, often adding humor, reversing a situation, or just altering the backdrop. I've never seen a game tell a story like this, and COJ DOES take some big risks, but they pay off, it feels unique, and the story really pulls you in. I love it. best $12 I've spent for a while.

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That's why i always buy and build my own setups, and i am in the near future getting me one of the badass SSD's and gonna make it my c drive.



i have a question, should i firewire that ssd when i do get it, or a 6gb sata 3 cable??


I'm debating which is faster???

SATA 3 is the fastest, FireWire is still faster than USB 3.0 but slower than SATA and USB 3.0 is the crappiest. So, if you want that SSD's full potential, use a SATA 3 cable.


Also, if you don't mind, I'd suggest using that SSD to install games/programs on it and have a separate HDD for the OS. I also suggest installing a Linux distro onto the SSD (for you, I recommend Ubuntu Studio), 8GB partition + 2GB swap should be enough for it.


That way you can keep all your data if Windows dies, you have lightning fast in-game loading times, you have a powerful partitioning manager (GParted) in case you need it (along with a lot of other stuff you might like) and you can still boot if one of your drives fails.

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That's why i always buy and build my own setups, and i am in the near future getting me one of the badass SSD's and gonna make it my c drive.



i have a question, should i firewire that ssd when i do get it, or a 6gb sata 3 cable??


I'm debating which is faster???

SATA 3 is the fastest, FireWire is still faster than USB 3.0 but slower than SATA and USB 3.0 is the crappiest. So, if you want that SSD's full potential, use a SATA 3 cable.


Also, if you don't mind, I'd suggest using that SSD to install games/programs on it and have a separate HDD for the OS. I also suggest installing a Linux distro onto the SSD (for you, I recommend Ubuntu Studio), 8GB partition + 2GB swap should be enough for it.


That way you can keep all your data if Windows dies, you have lightning fast in-game loading times, you have a powerful partitioning manager (GParted) in case you need it (along with a lot of other stuff you might like) and you can still boot if one of your drives fails.


No problem' i'll just keep the backup drive just in case that happens, the momentus will be a spare if something does go wrong with the ssd. i personally have broke a personal record of 5 and half years with a clean install of windows, without a single OS related CTD :thumbsup:

And thanks for the suggestion,, i thought about getting grid, i was unsure how well the physics where. And also i had the original to for ps3 :biggrin:

Edited by Thor.
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No problem' i'll just keep the backup drive just in case that happens, the momentus will be a spare if something does go wrong with the ssd. i personally have broke a personal record of 5 and half years with a clean install of windows, without a single OS related CTD :thumbsup:

And thanks for the suggestion,, i thought about getting grid, i was unsure how well the physics where. And also i had the original to for ps3 :biggrin:

Five and a half years without Windows blowing up?






By the way, since I'm bored, here's a screnshot of me listening to music:


DeaDBeeF music player directed through JACK Linux audio server mainfraime. And all that is running on a 3.2.0-44 low-latency Linux kernel, the latency is 3.8ms (2.8%). I unfortunately don't have a sound card, but on-board is decent too once you configure it right. :happy:

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I usually click the play button. :P



On a different topic, is 7% fragmentation really bad? I noticed my laptop was running like an injured dog today and I just thought I'd check it out. So yeah, the analysis yielded 7% fragmentation on my C: Drive. I'm going to defrag it later anyway but yeah, just checking if that's super bad or whatever.


Supposedly this laptop is meant to defrag every Wednesday at 1am, but I'm starting to believe that it's lying to me.

Edited by billyro
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