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The last poster wins


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Argh, why are there 1,000,000 topics on the Skyrim forums that are "I'm new to Skyrim on PC, recommend mods for me"?!


Can't people see that there are 999,999 other topics about the EXACT SAME THING?!?!


Or just go to the top mods section of the skyrim nexus?


I mean how in hell can we know what mods someone would want? There's search filters just for that ._.

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Argh, why are there 1,000,000 topics on the Skyrim forums that are "I'm new to Skyrim on PC, recommend mods for me"?!


Can't people see that there are 999,999 other topics about the EXACT SAME THING?!?!


Or just go to the top mods section of the skyrim nexus?


I mean how in hell can we know what mods someone would want? There's search filters just for that ._.



True that. There should be a sticky thread on the general discussion and mod discussion forums that say "Look at GEMS, the top mods and use the bloody search feature you fools!"


EDIT: And there is now another one. Human idiocy is boundless.

Edited by billyro
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A woman apparently had sex with 919 men in a day. (And knowing this planet quite well, it might as well be very true)


Not exactly what you're looking for but :P good luck breaking that!

Interesting, now my brain started working so let's break that down to mathematics. :geek:




A day has 24 hours and each hour has 60 minutes, that would be 1440 minutes in a day or 86400 seconds.


919 men in one day (24 hours) means she changed sexual partners every 94 seconds or every 1.5 minutes.


Taken into account that there were 919 subjects (more than enough), it would mean that an average male achieves orgasm in cca 90 seconds.


Even less than 90 seconds actually, we have to account for time taken in order to switch to the next subject.


However, according to my experience, an average female is capable of achieveing orgasm every cca 10-15 seconds (due to vagina having much larger number of nerve endings than a penis) with a single sexual partner, while a male needs at least a minute before going at it again and cca 80 seconds after that until orgasm (male body isn't built for fast sex).


But a female needs approximately 2-3 minutes before achieving the initial orgasm and cca 5 minutes needed for hidration so we can deduct that.


That would mean that an average female can achieve orgasm aproximately 5728-8598 times in 24 hours.


And an average male can achieve orgasm 720 times a day.


Now, add the fact that when my wife (girlfriend at the time) moved into my house, we had a 3-day marathon that left a lot of arse-prints, bodily fluids, broken furniture and fruit (mostly bananas) that needed to be purged with fire around the house and we have a timeline (72 hours), and average rates of achieving orgasm for both males and females.


So when we add that to the mathematical formula, my record would be cca 2160 times in a row, spanning across 72 hours.


While my wife's statistics would be 1.5-2x mine since she usually gets multiple orgasms, which is 3240-4320 times in 72 hours.


With hidration, food needed (not the fruit), performing everyday bodily functions, two visits from persistent relatives, etc, and by adding compensation for the disturbance and the sex we had in order to get rest from all the sex, we will cut that by 3/8 (divided by 1.25) for her and by 1/2 (divided by 2) for me, which is 1080 times for me and 2592-3156 for her. in the span of 72 hours.


That brings us down to an average of 360 times per 24-hours for me and 864-1452 per 24-hours for her.


So, we have a solid number for me which ranks a bit above 1/3 of the world record (which is still a damn good result) and a number for her that's, on an average, 984, aka 65 times above the record, but that number may vary.


Therefore, the end result says there's a 72.1% probability that we've managed to break the record. :cool:




Conclusion: If you pair up two sex addicts, they'll hump like rabbits till they drop dead from exhaustion. ;D

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Werne have you show your wife above mathemathis and the resultig expectation pressure?
Do you know what happens after you see the "don't divide by 0" look in her faces ?
Bad werne, realy bad things happen afterwards.... :facepalm:

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The Nexus is so slow right now, it's ridiculous. Why does it take 2 hours to download a mod that is 15MB?!

They couldn't fix the servers when we got the downtime, now Dark0ne has to find the funds to get a 'professional' in. Dunno how long that will take, in the meantime the problems are just piling up and I wouldn't be surprised if the whole nexus becomes unusable soon.

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