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And my mom wants me to take a pretty girl for a motorcycle ride, instead it's a very handsome and nice guy :biggrin:










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To bad that there isn't much other elegant ways for those bugs in Mother-in-law package . I found somewhere in the dirtyoldtricks 9.1 compilation package the following script: onewaytickettothemoon.sh which I think is for emergencies.

Yeah, the Mother-in-law is utterly screwed and there really is no way to deal with it elegantly. I do know how to stop Mother-in-law from executing though, I usually use the we're-not-at-home command which is quite efficient, elegant too, but it doesn't work each time. The we're-having-sex-at-the-moment command works in 100% of cases but it's not as elegant.



The shout modus can be diverted to a degree I think with handhersomethingtoeat. sh, some subscripts i noticed where Pie.sh, Cookies.sh or Salad.sh witch are all included in above mentioned package compilation. :thumbsup:

The implementation of Wine_redUI 7.53 for Mother-in-law package is suggested, but this the well known open source method, so I'm not sure it will work.

I tried running handhersomethingtoeat.sh but it doesn't always work. Cookies.sh, Chocolate.sh work, Pie.sh and Salad.sh not so much. Wine_redUI 7.53 is inefficient, Wine_whiteUI 7.53 works though, so does Whiskey-Johnnie_Walker-2.3 and Jagermeister-1.2.5.


When using a submodule of alcoholicDRINK.sh, it's best to switch Mother-in-law to annoyed runtime mode, it then uses more alcoholicDRINK.sh resources. :biggrin:

hmm Sugetion for the buged Mother-in-law -> run stealth.sh and the use the Valium 1.3 on something like Wine_whiteUI 7.53 I know you have compiled the Valium 1.3 into the Household package. :dry:

I have the dread feeling those bugs in the Mother-in-law package are hardcoded :down:

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One hint: Valium 1.3 and runing the driver Viagra 2.0 will set Father3.0 to constant rebot mode until subscripts in data Folder dontMix have run all scripts of the hornyhibernation .sh. It is not adviced or nessary to run both drivers at the same time on Father 3.0 :mellow:

Viagra package is unnecessary, we thought of implementing it once the OS reaches OldAge 7.0 but it may be redundant. Mixing Valium 1.3 and Viagra 2.0 packages would result in a terrible conflict and inevitable crash of Husband 2.0.4, besides, there is no need for the second package.


ASIWASACHILD.COM can be recompiled and itegrated for I'm_Still_A_Big_Child-3.2.7.tar.bz2 the advantage is that the data can be set to spit screen in or on run on two monitors at the same time while the complex package child_rearing-1.2.3 is runing simultaniusly which will result in a better preformance of the Awersomeness-1.3-dev.deb package by at least 20%. :whistling:

Baby_Holding-0.3.3 gets easy if you find out the specific comandline parameters to set baby to sleep modus; thsi is will get child 1.0 to silencer modus whitch is less noisy. Unfortunatly aditonal versions of the Child program may require some tweaks and twists of the parameters set. :thumbsup:

Changing-Diapers-0.1.2 ist recomendet to run with Protectshunglasses_100%Watertight.sh and Facemask_100%.sh or you can use the combined script of Gasmask.sh and itis also recomended to have either the scripts Water-2U.sh and Soap-2U.sh or rubber-gloves4U.sh. I suggset testing of ancient Poweder.sh for incompatibilities before starting its use on the 1st run. :nuke:

Changing-Diapers-0.1.2 can be Simulated with the application of BabydollNo.8 v1 if there is any old version still instald in the program Household.2ndchance. 3.2.1 (this might be instaled with Wife 2.0 somewhere and it is mostly ancient) there one major diffrence between the two progreams you should be aware of, BabydollNo.8 v1 is stactic on surface while the later use of Changing-Diapers-0.1.2 is on a dynamic surface of child 1.0. :ermm:

ASIWASACHILD.COM is buggy and the code is terribly written so we deemed it beyond our ability to repair and in the end replaced it. Besides, I'm_Still_A_Big_Child-3.2.7 has been running stable for years now. Although, Wife 2.0.1 reports that package is making module Husband 2.0.4 act like Child 1.0. ;D


Hmm, Baby_Holding-0.3.3 could be solved by setting Child 1.0 to inactive mode, but the question remains, how? Hmm... maybe like this:

if [ "$(pidof Child-1.0 --awake)" ]; then
   if [ -f /usr/bin/Warm_Milk ]; then
      sudo sh /usr/bin/Warm_Milk
      sudo service Child-1.0 --awake stop
      sudo Child-1.0 --asleep
      cat ~/.rocking_crib
      sudo service Child-1.0 --awake stop
      sudo Child-1.0 --asleep
    echo "Child is already asleep."

Yes, I believe that would do it. :happy:


We already have BabydollNo.8 v1 as test build for Changing-Diapers-0.1.2, most test runs of Changing-Diapers-0.1.2 ended with You_Messed_Up=y error and That's_The_Baby's_Head=Facepalm, but there was success a few times. :biggrin:


If it dosn't work at first dont be discuraged recompiling is possible. I don't need to metion more becasue I know you are an expirenced user.

If there's one thing we know how to do, it's compiling. :cool:


Normaly the beta version of Father-in-law is bugriden till you upgrade your OS to Wife 2.0 the patch instaled with Wife 2.0 solves 90% problems and the rest is easy accessibel through some tweaks. :ermm:

Father-in-law package was stable ever since the initial release, the Mother-in-law package is another thing entirely. :rolleyes:


Beer-6.0 is rather slow working package. local generated packages are available form various distrubutors. For my own knowlege I endorse one of the following packages:

Badel_šljivovica 1.0

Kruškovac_Svatovski 1.0

NIM_Julischka 3.0

Using all together will result in a compiled package HorribleHangover.6.4.dev.deb and will get either Mother-in-law package into whisper modus or shouting mode (depends on general settings of Mother-in-law). :dry:


Another evil solution for a buged Mother-in-law is the following :

if Mother-in-law pakage asks for implemetaion of the script nonalcoholicDRINK01.sh you recompile the following scripts with the last package in the list:



Akvinta_Vodka v02cl package

the result might be repeated some more with aditional recomnpilation of aditonal nonalcoholicDRINK.sh the effect will be someway like this packages Funnycomments.TG2.0

Giggles 4.7

DanceonTable. 1.8

fallfromTable 0.99

The interface structure of Mother-in-law is much more accessible through this procedure. However the bugs of Mother-in-law are reduced or diverted to some usefullness and might be fun to watch. ;D

The local generated packages are not so effective, but the home-made packages like Višnjevača-85-perc-alch work like a charm. The Beer-6.0 is just a dummy package in order to generate a conflict between Mother-in-law and Father-in-law packages. Mother-in-law goes into temporary shouting mode but once it stops, the output power and work speed is increased by 200% to compensate for Father-in-law module crash.


I have tried to recompile the nonalcoholicDRINK.sh but so far it was unsuccessful. The Vodka-* packages are easily detected by Mother-in-law monitoring submodule while Ethanol-0.96-dev could cause a possible kernel panic. However, I found that by compiling an alcoholicDRINK.sh script for Husband 2.0.3 reduces the effect of bugs on the system, or at least the specific module. :biggrin:



I'm starting to hate Microsoft slowly, everybody should switch to Linux.


That's my motto. :thumbsup:


Does this have to with that funny antivirus tasks.. Scans old age, find dead file at zero tolerance level, deletes body and shoves it into locker.

Edited by Thor.
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