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The last poster wins


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Good morning. At least so far. We are under a heat warning in my area for today. Since this will be the third day in a row with temps in the 90's (above 32c), it has been declared a heat wave.


So much for the weather. In other news, I win :biggrin:

Edited by M48A5
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I'm Arrg! :verymad: I have sore feet whole week till now ruining around for 6 to 5 hours around to get that lawyer/ bureaucrazy-apocalypse here done and tomorrow again :facepalm: :( ... some idk hours ... :ohdear:

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Well, today Australia has a new PM(our overall civic leader) This is excellent news. The former PM is Julia Gillard, who rose to PM rank through party in-fighting rather than a democratic vote, and then spent her brief tenure completely embarrassing herself and her country on a world stage. She also made history by becoming, according to approval rating, the single most unpopular political figure in Australian politics in the last 30 years. She was a misandrist, a liar, and an incompetent leader, and we're all better off without her.


It's funny, you know. In our political system, each of the two parties has a leader, and should that party win enough votes, the party leader becomes the Prime Minister. Kevin Rudd was elected as Prime Minister by democratic vote; Julia Gillard gained power by covertly gathering support within her own party and then requesting a vote for a change of party leader(which is voted on only by party members, most of which were Gillard cronies) This allowed her to become PM without being democratically elected. As you can imagine it wasn't a very popular decision; her political career would have ended in September with the federal election, given her comically low approval rating(23%) but, hey, lying b**** is gone now. I'm hardly the only Aussie who cracked open a beer to celebrate.


You liked her then?


I can't speak of your domestic politics or about her personally because I don't follow it enough to have an opinion, but all I as a Brit will remember her for is not curtsying for the Anachronistic Parasite Queen. We republicans might be a minority, but I wasn't the only Brit who had a beer with a smile on my face to celebrate that (and our press' predictably hysterical reaction to it).

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My mother is a dumbass, I got a phone call from her yesterday asking if I had been round to her house while she was at work all day (I do have keys) which I hadn't, she asked because when she walked through the front door she said she was "hit in the face by a wall of gas". Yep, she a gas stove on ALL day which wasn't lit allowing the whole house to practically become a ticking timebomb! :facepalm:


If she had been even slightly absent-minded and decided switch an electrical appliance on she would have blown sky high! I worry about her living on her own :ohdear:

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My mother is a dumbass, I got a phone call from her yesterday asking if I had been round to her house while she was at work all day (I do have keys) which I hadn't, she asked because when she walked through the front door she said she was "hit in the face by a wall of gas". Yep, she a gas stove on ALL day which wasn't lit allowing the whole house to practically become a ticking timebomb! :facepalm:


If she had been even slightly absent-minded and decided switch an electrical appliance on she would have blown sky high! I worry about her living on her own :ohdear:



Mine's a dumbass too, but less dangerous. Spent an hour yesterday arguing with her because she's got people in her facebook friends that she claims she "never added, not even accidentally".


Every single one of them are people she knows in real life, most of them are people I'd call her friends.


She just would not accept that she had done it. I tried everything from patiently explaining how friend requests work, resorting to sarcastically explaining how people are well known for hacking other people's facebook accounts so they can maliciously accept friend requests from the account holder's actual real life friends, even going through the activity logs and finding the individual dates she added all these people. She STILL doesn't believe me that she did it.


I'm planning on having my folks put in a residential care home as soon as humanly possible.


More for my sanity than their protection.

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Good morning all :smile:


It sure as heck is! the big news for me is, my home country(Australia) is under new management. Overnight leadership reshuffle.


Tetradite-No, I strongly disliked her. Her federal politics were very poor-in her entire time she only managed to make a few tiny impacts, the biggest of which was a ridiculously badly thought out tax on carbon emissions, applied to what few industrial corps we have left. The tax itself wasn't the impact though, it was how badly the Labour party got routed when she tried to get it ratified. They may have had a majority on paper, but they've been getting smashed in the polls lately, by the time she was kicked, JuLiar as the press has labeled her, had seen her approval rating hit an embarrassing 23%


The carbon tax was just idiotic, with a tiny population, we're one of the cleanest countries in the west, the tax would have badly threatened what littrle industry we have.(which isn't much, due to our sky-high minimum wage)


IMO a good leader is A democratically elected, B fulfils their electoral promises, and C makes a positive impact to improve people's ordinary lives. During Julia's tenure we saw a couple of faltering attempts at law changes that all failed, then a bunch of "cookies"-popular moves to be introduced AFTER the next election. Well, Australians aren't dumb, regardless of the stereotype, she was a useless PM, and now she's gone. Kevin Rudd, her replacement, is an idiot. Plain and simple.


But he's also fairly honest, seems to actually give a damn about Australia, has diplomatic experience, Americans like him, and he has the added advantage of having been PM before. His time may be short though-there's a federal vote in September, and the Liberals(our opposition, they're like your Conservatives) are looking likely to steamroll things. I don't know how I feel about this; Rudd is an idiot but an honest idiot. Tony Abbott, the opp. leader(and most likely next PM) is a smart guy and a competent polly, but I don't trust him at all. He's just a bit... slimey. And he looks a LOT like a chimp in a suit from a distance, due to an unfortunate combination of long, skinny arms, lankey build, baldness, and huge round ears.

Edited by Vindekarr
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My mother is a dumbass, I got a phone call from her yesterday asking if I had been round to her house while she was at work all day (I do have keys) which I hadn't, she asked because when she walked through the front door she said she was "hit in the face by a wall of gas". Yep, she a gas stove on ALL day which wasn't lit allowing the whole house to practically become a ticking timebomb! :facepalm:


If she had been even slightly absent-minded and decided switch an electrical appliance on she would have blown sky high! I worry about her living on her own :ohdear:



Mine's a dumbass too, but less dangerous. Spent an hour yesterday arguing with her because she's got people in her facebook friends that she claims she "never added, not even accidentally".


Every single one of them are people she knows in real life, most of them are people I'd call her friends.


She just would not accept that she had done it. I tried everything from patiently explaining how friend requests work, resorting to sarcastically explaining how people are well known for hacking other people's facebook accounts so they can maliciously accept friend requests from the account holder's actual real life friends, even going through the activity logs and finding the individual dates she added all these people. She STILL doesn't believe me that she did it.


I'm planning on having my folks put in a residential care home as soon as humanly possible.


More for my sanity than their protection.


omg I hope my sons don't think about me like that. I like to think I'm eccentric if not a little batty maybe. Yeah I rarely cook unless someone helps me but that is due to the fact I can't lift anything heavy in and out of the oven due to either.


a. dropping said food all over the floor, and

b. burning myself on the shelving within it.


I also rarely go out on my own due to having panic attacks or, as in Monday, ending up in a verbal battle with a taxi driver who proceeded to verbally abuse me and then wondered why I told him where to go back lol.


Hey it happens and I'm used to it but I don't think I deserve locking up in a residential home. I'd rather put myself down I think...

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