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I can't sleep


Random thought, but so epic, probably why i can't sleep, its the weekend so who cares :teehee:


Holy mother of dlc, they say in borderlands 2 will have overleveled hoard mode with more dlc with Tina, and moon base, and more after that, and level 80 guns and a harder diffficulty mode and so on. Its going to a game of the year twice at this rate, sense game of the year means dlc is complete and nothing coming after, not this time around, they say the dlc will keep coming unless people still buy the dlc, and people will.

In a sense this game literally will be a ever ending game full of endless dlc made because of us, the fans.

Season 4 o pack will be the ultimate world record for dlc in any game. If this is true will see so much dlc and possible insane caps that it would be hard for the consoles to keep up with it all, especially at insane raid fights, this dwarfs Diablo2 and 3 combined.


caution bad language but the most informed reviewer.


Its amazing how they can keep a game like this balance, its one of the most badass fpsmmorpg ever made.


Imagine fighting terramorphous and the warrior at the same time. :blink: Also don't forget over leveled guns to lv80 :D :blink:

The game may not be modifiable, but they sure know how to please the fans, and the dlc that never ends.

Edited by Thor.
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