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In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.

Up then, ye women, and discover the child in man!

Freidrich Niezsche


My lady friend can attest all too well to how childish this particular man can be. Normally I try to be a good guy... but some times I'm just an 11 year old with dreadlocks, a Led Zeppelin shirt, and a credit card.


Billy: nice work on the model, reminds me a bit of my first sword IRL, back when I used to do recreations (mid-teens) and hadn't yet discovered racing. Nothing too fancy, but good for bashing those bloody Englishmen over the head while screaming "Yoo canne take our freeedom!!!" in a bad Scots accent.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Finally got my sword in-game. It wasn't Skyrim like I originally intended, but Oblivion is just as good.

Still need to edit textures and stuff though.

Looks nice! Seems like you've been in a creative mood. :tongue:


A little Dark Souls creation for a Starbound contest.



Edit: My family finished our fence on the side that the nasty neighbors live. And they came outside and were pointing around their front yard like they were going to put something out there... If they get more cages and put them purposefully past our privacy fence, cats will hit the fan.


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I'm doing another reinstall of Skyrim. I figured that I'd better start from scratch after realising that Oblivion's graphics are far superior (and faster, and more stable) on this PC.


If only Skyrim used the simple rendering system of Oblivion, rather than the gimmicky shortcuts and workarounds it actually utilises.

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My Nexus 7's MicroUSB port can't wait to be filled with Ubuntu's nice big kernel.

Actually, it shares Android's kernel, meaning UT will probably run on a 12.04 base which has been optimized for 3 different kernels. They need to be careful when making a mobile OS cause it's not like a desktop OS, and Ubuntu is not too famous for making a good desktop OS either.


Personally, I'm not too excited about Ubuntu Touch, it'll likely be a failure like Ubuntu Edge (god, that was embarrassing). :laugh:

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My Nexus 7's MicroUSB port can't wait to be filled with Ubuntu's nice big kernel.

Actually, it shares Android's kernel, meaning UT will probably run on a 12.04 base which has been optimized for 3 different kernels. They need to be careful when making a mobile OS cause it's not like a desktop OS, and Ubuntu is not too famous for making a good desktop OS either.


Personally, I'm not too excited about Ubuntu Touch, it'll likely be a failure like Ubuntu Edge (god, that was embarrassing). :laugh:


I knew that it will be exactly you who will say that :tongue:


It would have sounded less sexual if I wrote out all the details and would have ruined my joke that you ruined now. And tbh I just want to play around with it, videos on youtube show almost nothing of the released version of the OS, because almost nothing works. And I'm questioning of how productive it will be.


What I'm trying to do is make the N7 as productive as possible for me. I'm not too sure though if I can go any further than code/design testing and synced to-do lists and similar stuff.


I guess nothing can replace a good laptop after all.


(topic transition, woosh)


I got my first job (I need to design a website and a flyer for someone) and I'm anxious as f*** about it. So I'm kind of all over the place and trying to make everything as productive as possible and I think I'm kind of doing well but at the same time failing. My brain is allllll over the place and I'm trying to get my head together and do some proper work.


But with the billion things going on at the same time I'm getting really tired and mentally blocked really easily.


Like today I had school since 6 am until 1pm, went straight to my psychologist (and she told me to call some adolescence psychiatric clinic and they'll do tests on me and diagnoses and stuff, which made me more anxious), then straight to driving school (and drive a carrr) and theeen I went to do an english language test in a private company that will prepare me for the IELTS test that I have to take if I want to study in the UK, and got home about 2 hours ago tired as hell but still wanting to work, kind of.


And don't even ask me why and how I managed to change topics from Ubuntu to myself, I don't even know how I did it ._.


I also really like Chinese food.

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