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The last poster wins


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I saw the new Star Trek as well and liked it.


I dunno what I'm doing today, how boring. ._.

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That's called oppression, not peace.


Its like rape. It's still sex, but forced down your throat. Doesn't mean you actually got proper sex. No. You got raped.

And everywhere else is different? The only difference between Russia and other countries that solve things without beating the crap out of people is that Russia puts things bluntly by smacking you upside the head with a bat, while others sugar-coat it with sweet talk and things we call "law and order".


So pardon me but I'd rather be raped and be aware of that, instead of someone sticking his dick in my ass and say it's not rape as long as he's not thrusting.


You know what yes, it's different.


I'm not sure if you can understand it, but there's a difference between aggressive behavior and diplomacy. Aggressive behavior is for pussies who don't know anything else but to wave a fist at someone elses face because they're afraid of reasoning and afraid of anything that is new and that they don't understand. If you are a man you stand in the face of the unkown and try to reason with it no matter how stupid it is. You would open your mind to change and to progress, not to oppression. Russia only thinks of the right now, they're afraid of the future and they're afraid of change. Just like many other people.


It's ok if you want to live as a sheep in this world under oppression. Just following what the people above you tell you and if you don't they beat you. That's not human. We are animals, but we're better than that. We're supposed to be the intelligent species on this planet.




My dick is imaginary.

I couldn't help but laugh at that one, sorry about that. :laugh:


It's supposed to be funny, it's kind of a joke. No need to be sorry.


My penis is, frankly, here with me and he's doing quite well.

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Oh dear, I see Dante hovering above this topic, and my post is gone. I have a feeling this won't end well for me, but when I think about it, I'm pretty sure I deserve it.

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Oh dear, I see Dante hovering above this topic, and my post is gone. I have a feeling this won't end well for me, but when I think about it, I'm pretty sure I deserve it.


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whatever takes your fancy.
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Oh damn, I thought I got banned when I saw this after clicking "The last poster wins":


But it was just the site glitching out. Phew, all is well, I was sure I'll at least get a triple-lifetime ban for all the stuff I wrote in here during my time on the Nexus. :sweat:

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Methinks the R word resulted in deletion. Regardless of the context in which it was used the staff don't like to see it anywhere


I imagine so.


I guess sexual harrassment is a more appropriate word. My fault on that part.


Apparently penises are ok though so hurray!

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Interesting, penises were mentioned multiple times in this topic, but there are only a few posts mentioning vaginas (and those are mostly mine). I wonder why is that. :huh:


Ah well, penis wins. :D




As a sidenote, I miss Pagafyr. :sad:

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