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Aye, mate. There's something incredibly capitalist about American festivals-just look at their version of Christmas. It makes a very cynical kind of sense, but I still find their enshrining of capitalist ideals-and the zeal they sometimes try to force them on others, highly disturbing.

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I just watched a gameplay video of Assassin's Creed 4, and the sharks were terribly unrealistic. People need to realise that sharks aren't homicidal killing machines. They do not actively seek out and kill humans; sharks will only attack a human if it feel threatened by one or if it's hungry. According to a documentary I watched a few years ago, vending machines kill more people each year than sharks do.


Also, that bit where the player hid in the grass and ambushed a pig... just ridiculous. A pig's sense of smell is about a hundred times better than a human's, and there is no way anyone would be able to sneak up on a pig like that.


The developers who make the animals in this game need to actually learn about the animals they are designing. You can't rely on stereotypical opinions of various animals to justify your blunders.

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-Billy, I agree about that completely. As an animal lover I hate the way they put predatory animals in as monsters-most of them are harmless, even the really scary ones. The only creature I've ever seen that kills other creatures for reasons other than predation or defence is the human-and even we aren't inherently evil. Sharks, arachnids, and snakes are common phobias and so are often demonised in popular culture, and I think that's sad because if portrayals of them were a bit more realistic, a lot of people would probably live their lives with a lot less fear. Predators don't kill because they're evil, they kill because that's the only way they can feed themselves. They're carnivores-they eat meat, and sometimes when someone wanders into their territory, they'll get eaten as well. That doesn't make the predator that gets them evil in my view though-it makes the person who got eaten an idiot for walking/swimming into harm's way. Lest we forget, we are made of meat afterall.


One example of a creature that's hopelessly miss-represented is the Tarantula. They're a type of spider that can grow to an immense size. For most people they're absolutely terrifying, but I used have a pet tarant, and they're actually completely harmless. Like most spiders, Tarantulas may look scary, but are really kind of vulnerable-they're almost completely blind, have no ears, move slowly(usually) and the majority live underground for survival. They're pretty gentle, too. There's a little trick to picking them up, you put your hand in front of them and then gently nudge their thorax-they'll climb onto your hand and as itchy as that is, they're completely docile. They don't see "you" as an organism, more of a big, warm tree. And tarantulas love warmth-they're cold blooded and can't regulate their tempature so they tend to go towards warm things.




Pic related-best image I could find of a spider being harmless-they do this, for some reason

when picked up, they often climb onto the holder's head and then lie down to rest. Real life headcrab?

Edited by Vindekarr
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