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If I hear the word f@&#!t one more time I'll pull that one person's teeth and nails out one by one and slam them up his urethra.


I realize this was a few pages back, but this has got to be the most excessively violent reaction to something so insignificant I've ever seen.



Wow, I completely missed this comment. And you wonder why you got a chat ban... :rolleyes:



Violence isn't ever the answer to something like that. If you succumb to that level, the very people you are trying to fight win.


I understand where he is coming from, I honestly do. I've been in the exact same situation. Being a lesbian, I have just as much reason to dislike the people Lvl000 is mad at as he does. But I realize that the more I hate something, the stronger it becomes and the weaker I become. Hatred and violence are never the solution when fighting hatred and violence.


What I meant by "insignificant" was that it was not something that was worth stooping to the level of the very people Lvl000 hated. What is a word but a string of letters assigned the very meaning society chooses for it? Not terribly long ago, f@&#!t meant a bundle of sticks. Society warps the etymology of words to fit some visage it crafts out of a defense mechanism used to bottleneck massive amounts of people into one of only a few defined groups. in order to have a one-size-fits-all response to their existence. Society will always be intolerant, not the words it uses. Getting angry at those who use words is not the solution. Getting angry at society is worth it.


But even then, one cannot just charge like a wild boar, with nothing but malice in their heart. If they truly wish to win, they must rise above their oppressors. They must turn the other cheek and forgive. They must use anger for constructive purposes, to synergetically combine efforts of many into a cause that acts peacefully and patiently. Threats will never change society, mature actions will. If people want to make a change, they must avoid walking the same low road as their enemies. They must do the hardest things: restrain themselves, humble themselves, act in patience and calm, and use logic and wisdom to turn the minds of people. Anything that is malicious would destroy the very cause being worked for.


And can you truly tell me that a few people saying a word, a word which is letters assigned a meaning from socio-cultural context that is otherwise meaningless, is significant enough to subvert these ideals, is significant enough to erase progress and worsen what society would think of the different, whom they already view as lowly animals? No, it is not significant enough. It is not significant enough to warrant people going against the very cause they believe in, and in their blind rage, unknowingly driving a knife in the back of their own cause. It is not significant enough to give society, those who hate us, the different and diverse, the thought that we are just as violent, inhumane, and lowly of animals as they demonize and declare us to be. It is not significant enough to lead to ruination otherwise pacifistic causes that would want nothing more than love and toleration of all peoples of all sexes, races, creeds, and lifestyles.


Is the violence of the threat excessive, considering the damage to people's mindset the mere threat could cause? Yes. Is the reason for the threat insignificant, when coupled with the realization that the violent reaction would do such great damage to those innocents who would take the most noble routes in destroying once and for all yet another pillar of discrimination and hatred towards those who look or act different that the rest of our society that would wish us all to be woefully bland cardboard cutouts with no individual thought or unique voice? Yes. The very notion of the threat will wound the cause, and the very reason is something so commonplace and so trivial, something so easy to just walk away from and ignore.


So I am right in saying that threat was far too violent over something so minor. So what if people call us f@&#!ts? I cannot speak for others, but I would prefer to take a high road. Instead of attacking the label, I decide to embrace it. Am I, as society would label me, a f@&#!t? Yes, I am, and I'm damn proud of it. And there's not a single thing society can say or do to me to make me stoop to their level, because at that point, they win.

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Being a lesbian


Why is your gender on your profile set as male then?



But even then, one cannot just charge like a wild boar, with nothing but malice in their heart. If they truly wish to win, they must rise above their oppressors. They must turn the other cheek and forgive. They must use anger for constructive purposes, to synergetically combine efforts of many into a cause that acts peacefully and patiently. Threats will never change society, mature actions will. If people want to make a change, they must avoid walking the same low road as their enemies. They must do the hardest things: restrain themselves, humble themselves, act in patience and calm, and use logic and wisdom to turn the minds of people. Anything that is malicious would destroy the very cause being worked for.


You don't know what's in my heart because you're judging it by only one action from me. You don't know that I agree with exactly what you said here because you never asked. You just assumed that my rant was a murder attempt apparently.



So I am right in saying that threat was far too violent over something so minor. So what if people call us f@&#!ts? I cannot speak for others, but I would prefer to take a high road. Instead of attacking the label, I decide to embrace it. Am I, as society would label me, a f@&#!t? Yes, I am, and I'm damn proud of it. And there's not a single thing society can say or do to me to make me stoop to their level, because at that point, they win.


Yes you are, but it was no threat.


I feel like this is unnecessary. And I'm tired, I've had a very long and stressful week so excuse me if I really don't want to talk about who's right or who's wrong.


My rant was excessively violent yes, but it was just that, a rant. There's no reason to educate me over it, because I know very well where my morals lie.


Opinions on the internet are just opinions and nobody will change anyone's mind. Even if I was violent like that, you'd never change my mind.


So let's just look at this gif and drop it





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Being a lesbian


Why is your gender on your profile set as male then?



But even then, one cannot just charge like a wild boar, with nothing but malice in their heart. If they truly wish to win, they must rise above their oppressors. They must turn the other cheek and forgive. They must use anger for constructive purposes, to synergetically combine efforts of many into a cause that acts peacefully and patiently. Threats will never change society, mature actions will. If people want to make a change, they must avoid walking the same low road as their enemies. They must do the hardest things: restrain themselves, humble themselves, act in patience and calm, and use logic and wisdom to turn the minds of people. Anything that is malicious would destroy the very cause being worked for.


You don't know what's in my heart because you're judging it by only one action from me. You don't know that I agree with exactly what you said here because you never asked. You just assumed that my rant was a murder attempt apparently.



So I am right in saying that threat was far too violent over something so minor. So what if people call us f@&#!ts? I cannot speak for others, but I would prefer to take a high road. Instead of attacking the label, I decide to embrace it. Am I, as society would label me, a f@&#!t? Yes, I am, and I'm damn proud of it. And there's not a single thing society can say or do to me to make me stoop to their level, because at that point, they win.


Yes you are, but it was no threat.


I feel like this is unnecessary. And I'm tired, I've had a very long and stressful week so excuse me if I really don't want to talk about who's right or who's wrong.


My rant was excessively violent yes, but it was just that, a rant. There's no reason to educate me over it, because I know very well where my morals lie.


Opinions on the internet are just opinions and nobody will change anyone's mind. Even if I was violent like that, you'd never change my mind.


So let's just look at this gif and drop it







Um, yeah about that first part... I'm part of someone's MPD. Something about him having a trauma or something. So we kinda have to unfortunately share a body. I'm female, or at least my mind is, but I don't really get the luxury of a body or a soul like other people. But honestly, I'm sick of no one taking what I say seriously because of that fact. Just because I don't have my own body doesn't mean my thoughts, ambitions, and feelings mean any less than Kakei (I don't know the name of the owner of the body, he just tells us to call him that).


Second point, whether or not it was a murder threat, saying that does absolutely nothing to further your cause. If anything, it hurts it because it just says society was right: That those who are different are a bad thing. Nonetheless, my intent wasn't to attack you, and I'm really sorry if I did.


Lastly, I'm tired as well, so I really should stop typing. I just responded to that person because they basically attacked me for what I essentially viewed as a revelation of misappropriated anger concerning a cause both distant in some aspects and dear to me in others.

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I just responded to that person because they basically attacked me for what I essentially viewed as a revelation of misappropriated anger concerning a cause both distant in some aspects and dear to me in others.


I didn't attack you, I simply stated that your comment would incite a vicious response, and that perhaps that was the reason behind your chat ban. But no harm done, at least this has all been cleared up.


EDIT: Sorry, I just re-read what I wrote and I suppose I'm guilty too.

Edited by billyro
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I just responded to that person because they basically attacked me for what I essentially viewed as a revelation of misappropriated anger concerning a cause both distant in some aspects and dear to me in others.


I didn't attack you, I simply stated that your comment would incite a vicious response, and that perhaps that was the reason behind your chat ban. But no harm done, at least this has all been cleared up.



Sorry for the misunderstanding.

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No one attacked anyone here, don't think that. Billy never meant to sound offensive.


I have a few more things to say regarding what I and you wrote regarding the topic, but I'll drop it.


I know multiple personality disorder exists, while I fail to understand or even visualize it I'm not the one who'll judge people who have it. I recommend a psychiatrist (if you don't have one already), not because I think you're pathetic or anything bad but because I know they can help. Personally I have a psychologist and she's been helping me with my problems for a year already and it's been going well.


So yeah, I hope you'll be fine. I'm tired as hell though now so I'll go relax and go to my aunt.

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No one attacked anyone here, don't think that. Billy never meant to sound offensive.


I have a few more things to say regarding what I and you wrote regarding the topic, but I'll drop it.


I know multiple personality disorder exists, while I fail to understand or even visualize it I'm not the one who'll judge people who have it. I recommend a psychiatrist (if you don't have one already), not because I think you're pathetic or anything bad but because I know they can help. Personally I have a psychologist and she's been helping me with my problems for a year already and it's been going well.


So yeah, I hope you'll be fine. I'm tired as hell though now so I'll go relax and go to my aunt.



I have doctors and therapists aplenty, thanks. I appreciate the concern though. However, this won't be a problem after Kakei gets castrated.

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However, this won't be a problem after Kakei gets castrated.

Out of the wall of text above, the word "castrated" made me shudder, mostly because take sex away from me and you might as well shoot me in the head. :ohdear:


Do you mean literally castrated or...?

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