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Ugh, I forgot why I stopped playing Skyrim, but I remembered...


If iPresentInterval is enabled in SkyrimPrefs.ini, the arrows lag behind the bow. Release the arrow... wait for it... wait for it... still waiting for it... *arrow flies away*. BUT... disable iPresentInterval and enable VSync in Catalyst - no arrow lag.


VSync drops the game to some 30FPS, game stutters like crazy. Limit framerate to 30FPS and enable VSync, game doesn't stutter.


Game at 60FPS, mouse lags behind due to VSync. Game at 30FPS, mouse doesn't lag.


Shot a bear with a bow, bear flied into the stratosphere and experienced a "glitchy skeleton" also known as "Spiderman went batshit insane", game crapped out and crashed.


Went chopping wood, character's head passed through his crotch, emerged from his arse, his limbs deformed and he starts hitting himself upside the head with a wood axe.


Decapitated a guard, he grew a second head.


Told my companion to stay put in Markarth, he ran diagonally across Skyrim to beat the crap out of a guy I accidentally punched in Windhelm.


Dismounted a horse, he shoots up into the air, falls down and dies half the way across Skyrim after about 15 minutes.


Well f*** you too Skyrim. :dry:

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I found a work around for micro stuttering in Skyrim, look for the mod borderless skyrim, enb's also has that feature in syrim so i use it by default. Not to mention with afr friendly crossfire it works wonders that way. No glitches or anything, With afr i top out at 60fps with enbs so it makes up for it.

Come to think about i think i may have solved it completely with skyrim and crossfire, the fps is smooth as silk. That's with crossfire to, afr is the way to go with skyrim.


Now if i could solve z-fighting :verymad:


this is the mod you need Werne



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yup in runs soo smooth right now, i feel like going through the main quest again,... Still getting that r290x. MOORREEE MODDSSS HA HA AH AH HA cough..


there is a limit to what i can do before the fps start dropping below 30fps.


no load lag or anything, because skyrim is on my ssd :smile: :yes:

Edited by Thor.
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The Stanley Parable is the most intelligent piece of art and video game design ever.


I watched some gameplay videos and for some reason it does my head in. Perhaps it was just the FOV of the screen but yeah.



You can change the FOV in game

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*sigh* What's up with the Nexus servers again, I can't download a damn thing. Took me 4 hours and 50 breakages to get Vilja, which is actually the best thing I ever did to Skyrim, rest of the companions (especially vanilla ones) are more-or-less worthless sacks of s**t.

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The Stanley Parable is the most intelligent piece of art and video game design ever.

Do you mean HL mod? Is there supposed to be a proper game in this somewhere or is it supposed to be just these strange little scenarios which dont last long? I played through it a few times and just made everything feel futile :sad:

Edited by Ironman5000
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