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if you look on the hardware section, there is a article mentioning that Mantle is technically officially dead in the water do to conflicting api's and the fact MS refuses to obey and sticking with dx api.


And consoles opted out from using it as well.



Edited by Thor.
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Speak for yourself, mate! It's only 19 today here. South Vic doesn't really have seasons, it has winds. When the wind is blowing northwards off the sea, it'll be a cold day regardless of season. Likewise if it's coming down from the north, you can crack 30 degrees in mid-winter. And because I live in a valley, there isn't really much east/west action, leaving me with two "seasons" which can occur whenever they feel like it. There were days in winter where I was wearing a t-shirt and shorts, and days last summer where I had my wood-burner going. Melbourne: it's just bloody weird.


Been playing Arkham origins today, the new Batman game. It won't win Game Of The Year-there's been too many genre-shaking games this year for that(Last of Us, Beyond: Two Souls, GTA V) but it's still a great game. The voice acting and cutscenes especially are just superb. I was actually kind of worried about how Origins would play, since it's from a different studio and has a different voice cast(following the retirement of the irreplaceable Kevin Conroy/Mark Hamill duo) but ironically this is the biggest, deepest Batman game I've yet played. It's really good, it does the characters great justice, the cutscenes and voicing-especially the Joker-are absolutely sublime. I'm loving it.

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borderlands 2 might make game of the year twice with the dlc that keep coming, it never ends. They just released one this month and they already named second in season 2 "head Hunter" dlc and it rumoured to a Christmas release. At this rate i can see them exploring all of Pandora lol.





Edited by Thor.
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if you look on the hardware section, there is a article mentioning that Mantle is technically officially dead in the water do to conflicting api's and the fact MS refuses to obey and sticking with dx api.


And consoles opted out from using it as well.



The consoles opted out from using it for a reason - it's still experimental, AMD didn't roll out a stable API yet. There's no "conflicting APIs" (APIs can't conflict, they are not mods), and MS would stick with what brings more money, be it Mantle or DX.


Besides, people were saying DirectX is "officially dead in the water" back in the day when pretty much every title that got released was built on OpenGL API. And as far as I can see, it's far from being dead.

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Cant have fun


need to design website






I'm literally like a zombie in front of a computer screen. I also think this is my absolutely worst work yet and I hate myself for it because I did much prettier stuff for school assignments, but when it comes to actually important stuff for money, nope. Lets make s***.

Im sure u can do it. Just take a few deep breaths and clear your mind :)


And on that note, I take the win 8)


Also, I am thinking about going to college to be an English Teacher or something. Ideas? I find English fun but...I'm not how good I would be at teaching it.

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Ok, so I'm a reasonably intelligent fellow-genius IQ and all that boring stuff. I found a game today that constantly makes me feel very, very stupid and whenever I cease to feel stupid for more than thirty concurrent seconds, it starts bashing me over the head with a proverbial baseball bat. I'm talking about X-3, I've been playing it because I thought X-Rebirth looked fun, and in my clearly limited intellectual capacity, playing an older X game seemed like a good way to warm up for the new title. But I was sooo wrong. This game is complex beyond complex. The instruction manual is over a hundred pages long, every single key on the keyboard is bound in some way, and that's still not enough because there's another 40 shift-press commands as well. It even took me five whole minutes just to work out how to scroll the bloody map.


Not that I'm complaining. The graphics are simply incredible for a game it's age, and I love flying games with a passion, and when the world/economy are this heavily simulated, killing someone really does have weight. The crime gets reported, logged, their government will record a criminal record against you, and if you're sufficiently naughty you may be fired from your job as well(which is mucho problemo in a game this brutally capitalist) All in all it's hideously overcomplicated, makes you feel like a moron, and you're encouraged to be an absolutely aweful human being(or space-squid)-but I'm having a bloody good time with it, and I'm looking forward to when I don't feel like a total drip playing it.


The funny thing is, it's not the gameplay I'm having trouble with. I can fly pretty well-I played waaaay too much Ace Combat as a kid, so killing people isn't difficult. The problem is this game doesn't really reward out-and-out murder. The manual actually encourages you to "screw people over" as much as possible, before you murder them. Afterall, you can't rob someone if you vaporise them. Better to extract them from their ship, and then vaporise them as they float about in space. Although I've been encouraged to not vaporise them at all-apparently it's a waste of ammo and they'll die after a few weeks anyway.

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Cant have fun


need to design website






I'm literally like a zombie in front of a computer screen. I also think this is my absolutely worst work yet and I hate myself for it because I did much prettier stuff for school assignments, but when it comes to actually important stuff for money, nope. Lets make s***.

Im sure u can do it. Just take a few deep breaths and clear your mind :smile:




I'm not finished yet but I hope I will be today. I'm waiting for my webhost to activate the domain now so I can upload the site.

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Cant have fun


need to design website






I'm literally like a zombie in front of a computer screen. I also think this is my absolutely worst work yet and I hate myself for it because I did much prettier stuff for school assignments, but when it comes to actually important stuff for money, nope. Lets make s***.


Im sure u can do it. Just take a few deep breaths and clear your mind :smile:


I'm not finished yet but I hope I will be today. I'm waiting for my webhost to activate the domain now so I can upload the site.

Gut. Just make sure it isnt a rush job :P
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