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I was testing how far a afr friendly crossfire mode can go and i swear its using that extra ram, i couldn't do this before without some massive lag, even with well over 10k worth of weapons dropped in a mine i still was getting 40fps. Not to mention using 2k texture packs to go along with it. I probably could of dropped another 5k before i could see some real drop in fps.



Edited by Thor.
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@Thor Now use Unrelenting force on those weapons and enjoy the frozen game. :wink:


By the way, textures don't mean jack s*** in this case, you can have 1 or 10,000 weapons, they all use the same texture map that's in your VRAM, not 10,000 texture maps.

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I was testing how far a afr friendly crossfire mode can go and i swear its using that extra ram, i couldn't do this before without some massive lag, even with well over 10k worth of weapons dropped in a mine i still was getting 40fps. Not to mention using 2k texture packs to go along with it. I probably could of dropped another 5k before i could see some real drop in fps.




My laptop would melt if it tried to render that.


Are you using texture mods? I can't tell because it has been ages since I've played Skyrim, but it looks quite vanillary.

Edited by billyro
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I'm waiting for a do it yourself Cold fusion device that can be attached to any electric car, just imagine that would solve the cold winter day scenario.


Oh, I already know a trick for that...

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Sometimes I'm so glad the Nexus exists. It's like a lighthouse: a beacon of civility surrounded by a maelstrom of idiocy. I was looking for the official forum for Assetto Corsa-I've practically adopted the game, and took a wrong turn, ending up in the weird end of the internet on some obscure car freak forum and completely surrounded by strange people. Not strange because I don't know them, I mean strange. Weird. Koo-Koo. It was one of the strangest, most horrible and liberating experiences I've had on the internet for a long time, because it was like looking through a broken mirror. These guys are probably how most of society views me: a few passionate interests, all of them boring to most people and a few related hobbies, fairly introverted, AS sufferer.


My only mistake was giving in to my curiosity: I was curious, of course I was-who wouldn't want to meet the stereotype that they're enemies always compare them to? Turns out it's not a pretty stereotype. I... literally cannot empathise with these people's reason or logic at all. The forum was basically divided up between people who liked one car sport, and people who liked another. But whereas most people would just say "I like cricket but golf's good too" these guys just couldn't leave it be. My only regret was that when the inevitable flame-war erupted, I stuck around to spectate assuming it'd be some innocent little tiff that a moderator would break up within moments. Wrong.





It was like no flame war I've ever seen before. It started out pretty civil, then like a snowball down a hill it just got angrier, and weirder, and angrier and weirder until it the posts became so bizarre that I lost track of the storyline. And for what? the trigger was an argument, about car racing. I would have said before today that these two sides had a common interest-the same interest as me even, but right now I'm slightly scared of that "end" of the internet. If a group of people can go full red-mist simply because they can't agree on which sport to watch, I don't think I want to hang around.


It does relieve me though, in some ways. People really tend to look down on some interests; being into cars is like being into trains or any other complex machine. Most "normal" people will look down their long, aryan noses at you and classify you as some kind of obsessive who lives in a shack full of rusty car parts or something. Having been to this website though, I can see now that I'm a long way from that stereotype. Sure, I like cars, I enjoy driving and I really enjoy working with pretty much any machinery, but that's it. I've got plenty of other interests-theatre, literature, history, science. If anything my encounter has left me feeling "normal" for the first time in a decade. Certainly a lot more normal than the sorts of people who judge others for being interested in cars, talking to people about cars, and having an antique steering wheel mounted on their wall, and yet who spend $4000 a month being a slave to fashion.


"The most troubling form of insanity I have ever seen, is when a person thinks they are sane. We're all mad in our own way, and denial can't change that. And in a mad world, are madmen not the new normal?"-Silvien Morriah

Edited by Vindekarr
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If you want to have a civil conversation with people about racing, Steam is not the greatest place. i suggest gtplanet for that, but here you can express anything and still get treated with respect as long it stays with int he rules. One reason that makes the nexus so unique.

Edited by Thor.
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