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Ligthsabers are freaking possible, that means light can be bent into any form into a physical form.


Just imagine sitting on a light chair swinging a lightsaber.



I'd rather imagine sitting in a light chair on a large light-yacht in Sochii drinking a $500 Agave vodka from a light shot-glass



Edited by Vindekarr
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Ligthsabers are freaking possible, that means light can be bent into any form into a physical form.


Just imagine sitting on a light chair swinging a lightsaber.



I'd rather imagine sitting in a light chair on a large light-yacht in Sochii drinking a $500 Agave vodka from a light shot-glass




Ya and walking into that boat that just materialized from thin air which recently appeared to be open water at the time is not now, or that plain that suddenly appeared above you.


it certainly would cut down on costs to build things. :D This could be the beginning of holograms as well, but much more sophistaced, maybe something like a holodeck in Star Trek..

Edited by Thor.
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Went and bought Borderlands 2 for PC since it was on sale for 80% off. I can't believe the difference a platform makes-I was slightly disappointed in the Xbox 360 version's poor graphics and constant bugs, while the PC version feels like one of the most beautifully optimised games I've ever played-running at a silky 120 FPS literally all the time.

The other thing I'd mention, is if you've never played Borderlands, it is literally the craziest game on earth. There is a playable character called "the psycho" who is literally a playable version of the Psycho, an axe-wielding enemy you often encounter. I've rolled a psycho as my first PC character and I'm absolutely loving it. The Psychos in the Borderlands games have brilliant crazy dialogue: screaming lines such as "LOOK AT ME WHEN I'M SCREAMING AT YOUR SOUL!!!" while attacking an bellowing "FROM HELL'S HEART I STAB AT THEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" when killed. The playable Psycho though, is even crazier: the first line of dialogue I heard from him was "I'm the conductor, OF THE POOP-TRAIN! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA!!!" before he promptly started ranting about bicycles made of meat and sticking his fingers into someone's eyesockets.


All in all it's a... completely unique gaming experience. Half RPG, half FPS, beautifully made and presented and with some of the best writing and voice-acting I've ever seen. Plus, there's some extremely brave design decisions: having a character who is literally, completely insane and who's sole motivation in life is to "clean his soul" by murdering every "deserving" person he ever meets in the bloodiest way possible while shrieking completely incomprehensible dialogue at deafening volumes, isn't something you see every day.


This is official concept-art from Borderlands 2: despite being one of the finest and most innovative RPGs I've ever played, you do need a fairly strong stomach. It's not just gory, every playable character is in some way insane.



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Welcome to the borderlands 2 world, you where missing out allot, i suggest get the online pass, and all of the dlc. Its worth it for the level cap that was just released to72. Its a really big grind if you've already beat the game once.

Edited by Thor.
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Wait for the Christmas sale.

Also xbmc is on par with foobar, it literally doesn't matter the bitrate the sound quality stays the same. It has some insane audio processing behind the hood.

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