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Hey Billyro, you know the thing that lacks in Skyrim And Oblivion, the lack of Sheath and harness, something that wraps around the npc so it doesn't seem like its floating in mid air.


Yeah true. I'm not sure about a belt and harness - that will be difficult to make and there will be problems with animations, body models, armour etc.


I suppose a simple... erm, what's the word... well, a sheath that doesn't cover the whole blade, would be nice. The only problem is that I can't make sheaths work (I've tried before, and they don't stay where they're meant to), so I don't really want to make one, but I might consider it if people ask for it.



@Tidus44, alright cool. I'll start on the mini quest and I should have it ready for download soon.

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I'd focus on the important stuff first. Remember; the modder knows best, not the consumers. In my industry we often see great designers ruined by pandering to consumers who don't know jack diddley, and great ideas reduced to smouldering slag by the same problem.


Porsche has some of the best designers and engineers on the planet, but the market forces them to build a car who's ideas and technology became obsolete nearly fifty years ago. As a result the company's being dying a slow death ever since, and is now often viewed as a quaint relic at best, and a bunch of insipid, technophobic troglodytes at worst. In reality Porsche is one of the most high-tech car makers on earth and employs some of the best designers; the only reason they build cars based on ancient technology is because consumers refuse to buy their more modern creations. Don't be like them: the consumer doesn't know crap, so ignore the consumer.


EDIT: it's a sad fact that Porsche will probably die as a company before it ever gets a chance to put it's ideas into a production car. It's made a handful of beautiful, ultra high-tech vehicles(such as the 918-Renn and Carrera GT) that show it's "true face" but due to consumers not wanting them, only a handful were ever made and sold at vast prices.

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Sheaths are in Oblivion, Skyrim you don't see them at all. Some of the Rare weapons in oblivion come with default, some are in Skyrim to. you even see some modded into Skyrim as well, but only modded.





from google, where things get complicated, but fixed with skse physics extension. You can add physics to pretty much anything now to Skyrim, even hair. Harnesses wouldn't be to difficult to mod in.


Here is the original Physics project if you are interested



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Today was a typically insane Melbourne day: blazingly hot in the morning, hitting 42 degrees at about 3 o' clock with no breeze and a crystal-clear sky. It's now 5:44 and the temperature has fallen to 17 degrees and falling; the sky is black with Nimbus clouds and there's a gale-force wind. The whole change occurred in about 15 minutes; that is what I'm talking about when I talk about Melbourne having crazy weather.

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We had freezing rain turn into snow, the day it happened, the first time opening the door to the outside world. Well i couldn't open the front door because the snow was hanging over the house and it froze solid, the low hanging snow was in the way of the door. I couldn't nudge it more than a foot away from the house. i had to go through the back door in 5 feet of snow that gathered over the winter. As High to your waist in snow, grabbed a shovel and started picking at it, rock solid ice and snow. It took a few minutes to finally remove it away from the front doorway.


What a Winter we have had unreal.

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The Productivity Commission is taking a look at the car industry, with the two main things on the agenda being the Luxury Car Tax and the ban on imported used cars. Repealing either of the two would be a major boon to Australians; the Luxury Car Tax makes many vehicles prohibitively expensive and accounts for 80% of the price on some vehicles, while the export ban would make it much easier for ordinary people to afford cars. Repealing both would come to late to save the Australian cars industry; the same government who enforced the Luxury tax doomed that long ago, but it might just saved our import industry.


The Luxury Car Tax is a very contentious issue; cars priced above a set point are taxed 33% for every cent above the "luxury" divider. The divider is set at only $49,000 and effects not only luxury vehicles, but almost all new cars. The tax almost single-handedly killed the Australian auto industry, since other taxes and laws make importing cars prohibitively expensive. In some cases the tax adds over a million dollars to the price of some vehicles; unsurprisingly people hated it from the beginning, and the author of it was forced out of politics.


The luxury car tax combined with obscene import duties(also to be rectified) most cars cost more than double what they do overseas despite a comparable currency; AUD goes for around 89 cents US. An example would be the Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG sports car; in America it costs $183,000 USD. In Australia it costs $720,000 USD. Another example would be the base-model Ford Mustang; $25,000 in America and $189,999 USD in Australia-more than an SLS costs in the USA.

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Apparently not a single city/town in England is actually pronounced the way it looks.

I'm convinced that they were done that way on purpose to serve as shibboleths to weed out tourists. Certainly not because of a thousand years of history and/or going through three separate languages.


Still, why else would the 'k' in Kirkby be silent?

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