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I do guess I need to actually learn the whole OS first, I just didn't really expect not to be able to play mp3's.

If using any of the currently released Ubuntu versions (that means 12.04 - 13.10, not 14.04)...

sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:starws-box/deadbeef-player && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install deadbeef

That ought to do it, ubuntu-restricted-extras installs all the good stuff (flash, multimedia codecs, etc) and DeaDBeeF is the best audio player Linux has.


As for failed installations, sudo apt-get install -f should be able to fix most problems, or at least tell you what the problem is.


The thing is I get failed installations while I tried installing the restricted-extras.


When I was installing Ubuntu, it asked me whether I want mp3 and flash support so I said yes obviously. Apparently clicking yes means breaking your music player.


Then I tried installing the restricted extras pack, that's when it just errored on me randomly. It said that i should do sudo apt-get install -f, and i did, but then it errored some more.



See, I barely have time to even play around with Ubuntu now, which is why I give up easily when problems arise. If Windows 8 would even REMOTELY be as unstable as it was for you I'd throw it away. But for me, it's stable, fast and quick to work with.


Seriously, FL Studio works perfectly fine out of the box and it doesn't even block all other system sounds like it did on W7. I have nothing to say by this point :P

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Then I tried installing the restricted extras pack, that's when it just errored on me randomly. It said that i should do sudo apt-get install -f, and i did, but then it errored some more.

That happens when there are broken packages due to missing dependencies (or when downloading a corrupt package which is very rare). It's likely an unchecked restricted/universe/multiverse repository.


Not sure about Ubuntu since I haven't used it in a while (Debian handles things a lot different) but I think software sources should be somewhere in the Software Center settings, make sure they're all checked except backports (backports have newer but untested software). Apply changes, exit software center and run the following:

sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get install -f

Above command will clear the package cache and download new packages if necessary.


If that doesn't work, post the output after running sudo apt-get install -f if you can (in a spoiler, so we don't clutter up this place), then I'd be able to narrow things down.

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I'll do stuff tomorrow, even Skype didn't work properly on Ubuntu. It crashed when I tried sending a message, and it has no small overlay window while video chatting either.


Silly Linux bein' silly. Maybe I should try Debian or Mint or Fedora. If my mouse will work on any of those.


Meh, not impressed. And I'm not the only one http://www.securitronlinux.com/bejiitaswrath/ubuntu-13-10-an-unstable-and-hopelessly-useless-mess-what-the-hell-is-going-on/

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I tried making my first bit of armour today. It was nothing complex - just a little test to see if I could do it.


So, I made a spike on top of the iron gauntlets. :P






Muahahaha, time to go stab the citizens of Cyrodiil! :devil:



Anyway, the main purpose of this was to see if I could do it, and it works pretty well. Maybe after I finish my weapon pack, I might try making some armour...?

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I remember seeing some tests on scripting punching weaponry, but I don't recall if they were successful in actually giving extra damage outside of just a strength boost.


I think I remember that. It was for a hidden blade if I'm not mistaken.


I didn't really put much effort into that one I made, since it was mainly just a test. I gave it an enchantment that fortified both strength and hand-to-hand by 9005. That way when I looked at the stats, I could say, "it's over nine-thousand!" :tongue:


just add physics tot he weapon, I'm sure it would work the same way. SKSE if there is a thing fro Oblivion. Probably not.


It's not a weapon, it's a piece of apparel. You can't apply "effect on strike" enchantments to gauntlets, sadly. :confused:




EDIT: Dagger of Symmachus:







I'm getting more efficient with each one I make. This one only took me about 2 hours. :smile:

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Well i have now figured out what was the texture mod that was causing the vram to cap out. now i am getting a clean 90fps with enb and 2k textures out doors, 260fps in doors. :woot: :teehee:

Edited by Thor.
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I'll do stuff tomorrow, even Skype didn't work properly on Ubuntu. It crashed when I tried sending a message, and it has no small overlay window while video chatting either.


Silly Linux bein' silly. Maybe I should try Debian or Mint or Fedora. If my mouse will work on any of those.


Meh, not impressed. And I'm not the only one http://www.securitronlinux.com/bejiitaswrath/ubuntu-13-10-an-unstable-and-hopelessly-useless-mess-what-the-hell-is-going-on/

Skype is Microsoft's fault, it's their program. I personally never used Skype, too much crap tied to it, I prefer emails.


As for buggy, that seems to be tied to Ubuntu 13.10 exclusively, Xubuntu and Lubuntu variants are far less buggy cause they rely on a different software stack (and a more stable, albeit less "pretty", desktop environment). 13.10 is a non-LTS release just like 12.10 and 13.04 and not a very good one cause a stable version of the software stack was brought in too late, 12.10 and 13.04 were far more mature and stable due to syncing with upstream. I completely abandoned Ubuntu some time ago and went full-Debian, so I'm unsure as to how buggy is it nowadays. Debian Jessie (testing) seems to be generally more stable than Ubuntu's latest and greatest (I use it for it's native Steam), although it's sometimes volatile due to sudden upgrades.


As to why Ubuntu is buggy, it's because of Canonical's release schedule, Ubuntu 13.10 had to be released in October 2013 be it ready or not. That's precisely why I prefer Debian, Testing distribution is frozen and moves to Stable only when there are no bug reports on any software for two weeks, there is no schedule - main goal is stability. Luckily, 13.10 will be shot and buried three months after 14.04 release, non-LTS releases have a 9 months support cycle, then the buggy mess will be history.




@billyro That dagger looks awesome, but the hilt is too long for that short of a blade, it would make sense for a sword but not a dagger.

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