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Was it a luxury apartment, we are considering moving to a apartment, they are all full luxury with bathrooms beside each room. The rooms themselves are at least 16 feet long and 13 feet wide. I think that's standard if i could be wrong.

Edited by Thor.
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True that. When I lived in Brisbane, mine came in handy a lot of the time since the couple next door had sex every second night. Do you know how awkward that was? Hearing every squelch and moan? Headphones saved my sanity, I think.

I used to live in an apartment I sold before I bought this house, and neighbors were complaining how my wife (girlfriend at the time, we were only dating a year or so) and I were too loud while having sex. But interestingly enough, taking a pneumatic drill and tearing down a wall at 3AM was perfectly acceptable by them. :rolleyes:


Anyway, I told them the noise they hear is how a woman sounds when you do the job right, and to get ear plugs if it bothers them cause I don't intend to do it half-arsed like them. Needless to say, they didn't like me very much after that, especially that one guy whose wife said "he's got a point" after that statement of mine (guess he really was doing a half-arsed job after all :laugh:).

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Was it a luxury apartment, we are considering moving to a apartment, they are all full luxury with bathrooms beside each room. The rooms themselves are at least 16 feet long and 13 feet wide. I think that's standard if i could be wrong.


It was cheap (well, cheap for the middle of the city) and it was pretty dingy. There were about 18 people, 2 showers, 2 toilets and a kitchen. Needless to say it was quite crowded. :ermm:




True that. When I lived in Brisbane, mine came in handy a lot of the time since the couple next door had sex every second night. Do you know how awkward that was? Hearing every squelch and moan? Headphones saved my sanity, I think.

I used to live in an apartment I sold before I bought this house, and neighbors were complaining how my wife (girlfriend at the time, we were only dating a year or so) and I were too loud while having sex.



Hah, well you must admit that it's a little bit awkward listening to other people having loud sex. :tongue:



Anyway, I told them the noise they hear is how a woman sounds when you do the job right, and to get ear plugs if it bothers them cause I don't intend to do it half-arsed like them. Needless to say, they didn't like me very much after that, especially that one guy whose wife said "he's got a point" after that statement of mine (guess he really was doing a half-arsed job after all :laugh:).


Hahaha, good one. :D

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Ah well, it was an experience, at least. I am fairly sure that I will never go to an apartment again. :yes:

Exactly what I thought after coming back from my dad's apartment. :laugh:


I remember there was a dead bird stuck on the outside of the building. It was there the whole time my dad was in Oklahoma (a year or two I think). Kinda gross.

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You guys just reminded me of that horribly squeaky bed I had in the hotel a few weeks ago. Just sitting on it made a lot of noise, and the noise me and my boyfriend made was probably heard throughout the whole building.


On the day I checked out the cleaning lady gave us the most judgmental look ever.


But I didn't care :happy: I was happy



And how did we manage to switch from headphones to loud sex? I'm not complaining, it's just interesting how topics can change from E rated to AO rated :P

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Study methods that do not work:

  • Playing Counter Strike for three hours before the exam to 'get your adrenaline up'
  • Writing down chemical equations over and over in the hope that it'll build into muscle memory
  • Classifying part of the curriculum as a 'dump stat' and totally ignoring it
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Finally beat my wife in Starcraft II, took me only four hours to do it. :D


In other news, I got beaten upside the head with a Starcraft II disc case. :mellow:

Edited by Werne
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Was that in one battle? Or multiple?

One, custom map (Valdorae Prime), 1 vs 1. Took me 4 hours cause she played as Protoss while I played as Terran, had to build a metric crapton of bunkers and siege tanks and Vikings just to stay alive. Protoss are awesome when it comes to offense but lack in defense, while Terrans are the opposite, so we both took advantage of those traits.


She had a problem from the start though, I severed the map in half by building bunkers and mounting tanks, a tactic which paid off in the end - Protoss units are expensive and she ran out of resources on her half. Final attack from her was to take over a single mineral field left on the entire map which was on my side, a large force of Immortals and Colossi coupled with Carriers and a few Void Rays hit my line but I managed to pull through just barely. That was all she could afford and afterwards her defense was small and scattered, so I unleashed everything I had on her bases for a full victory.


My tactic may be unorthodox but it works, I always play as Terran so I can get people bogged down in a hell of a ground war where I massacre their soldiers, then they make air units that fire on ground units while I pull in a large fleet of anti-air units that massacre those. Having to split everything into air forces good on ground and ground forces good on air makes them weak on both fronts so my defense line obliterates everything they have in a blink of an eye with minimal losses, just have to keep it up until they run out of resources. That works well on Protoss, less good on Zerg though but still pretty effective (Mutalisks are a pain, they fire on both ground and air while siege tanks can't hit them).


This is the first time I managed to win against her, usually it's the other way around even though those battles last very long. Last time I lost it took her 7 hours to take me out, she took most of the mineral fields from the start so my tactic was rendered rather useless, I still managed to hold on for nearly five hours with what little resources I had in reserve though (fixing bunkers and machinery doesn't cost much, replenishing units is minimal). Once I execute my move properly it's all about holding the line until resources run dry, then a single swoop is generally enough for a clean win, only problem is doing it right.




EDIT: Had another go at playing with my axe's textures today since I had some time, had to make the wood fit the rest of the texture, here's the render:




Used the blade metal texture as overlay on the wood for making scratches, turned out pretty damn good, then I rendered a cloud texture for final overlay to mimic dirt. After all that I noticed something - the UV seams (the part where I split a 3D mesh in order to turn i into 2D for texturing) are practically invisible, a result I wasn't after right now but it saves me a lot of work. Anyway, I really like the final result, looks bloody good, even though I consider the wood to be a bit too dark on the render (it's a bit lighter on the diffuse map).

Edited by Werne
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The third time you walk into a classroom for lecture in the morning and find absolutely nobody there, you start to get a bit suspicious that classes might have been cancelled for the day.

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