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The last poster wins


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Was that in one battle? Or multiple?

One, custom map (Valdorae Prime), 1 vs 1. Took me 4 hours cause she played as Protoss while I played as Terran, had to build a metric crapton of bunkers and siege tanks and Vikings just to stay alive. Protoss are awesome when it comes to offense but lack in defense, while Terrans are the opposite, so we both took advantage of those traits.


She had a problem from the start though, I severed the map in half by building bunkers and mounting tanks, a tactic which paid off in the end - Protoss units are expensive and she ran out of resources on her half. Final attack from her was to take over a single mineral field left on the entire map which was on my side, a large force of Immortals and Colossi coupled with Carriers and a few Void Rays hit my line but I managed to pull through just barely. That was all she could afford and afterwards her defense was small and scattered, so I unleashed everything I had on her bases for a full victory.


My tactic may be unorthodox but it works, I always play as Terran so I can get people bogged down in a hell of a ground war where I massacre their soldiers, then they make air units that fire on ground units while I pull in a large fleet of anti-air units that massacre those. Having to split everything into air forces good on ground and ground forces good on air makes them weak on both fronts so my defense line obliterates everything they have in a blink of an eye with minimal losses, just have to keep it up until they run out of resources. That works well on Protoss, less good on Zerg though but still pretty effective (Mutalisks are a pain, they fire on both ground and air while siege tanks can't hit them).


This is the first time I managed to win against her, usually it's the other way around even though those battles last very long. Last time I lost it took her 7 hours to take me out, she took most of the mineral fields from the start so my tactic was rendered rather useless, I still managed to hold on for nearly five hours with what little resources I had in reserve though (fixing bunkers and machinery doesn't cost much, replenishing units is minimal). Once I execute my move properly it's all about holding the line until resources run dry, then a single swoop is generally enough for a clean win, only problem is doing it right.



7 hours?! Far out, you two have a lot of patience. In RTS games, I can only usually last 2 hours before I can't take it any more. :wacko:


I have a pretty short attention span, you see. :tongue: Heh, nah I'm just impatient.



EDIT: Had another go at playing with my axe's textures today since I had some time, had to make the wood fit the rest of the texture, here's the render:




Used the blade metal texture as overlay on the wood for making scratches, turned out pretty damn good, then I rendered a cloud texture for final overlay to mimic dirt. After all that I noticed something - the UV seams (the part where I split a 3D mesh in order to turn i into 2D for texturing) are practically invisible, a result I wasn't after right now but it saves me a lot of work. Anyway, I really like the final result, looks bloody good, even though I consider the wood to be a bit too dark on the render (it's a bit lighter on the diffuse map).


It looks great. Your texturing skills are really good, especially with all the small details. :happy:


I have a few suggestions if you care to hear them.


I think the metal is too light. It kind of looks like aluminium, not iron or steel. I think perhaps a little bit of darkening would suit it a bit more and also help it blend with the wood colour. Also, you could maybe put a few little speckles of rust to increase the depth of the texture.


The rope bindings look realistic, but I think they have a little bit too much shadow beneath them (more so on the top side) which makes them look bulgier than they should. Other than that they look great. :smile:



The third time you walk into a classroom for lecture in the morning and find absolutely nobody there, you start to get a bit suspicious that classes might have been cancelled for the day.


That's a cause for celebration, is it not? :laugh:



EDIT: Woohoo, car is finally fixed.



EDIT 2: Come on, I've nearly been winning for 12 hours. Where is everyone?

Edited by billyro
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Sigh i gotta sleep, but i passed out early do to the shuffling of furniture all day. Now ia m regretting it because the painter in question is going to painting the room a sleep in a nightly bases at the crack of dawn. 8pm today. Lucky fro me i work today.

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I think the metal is too light. It kind of looks like aluminium, not iron or steel. I think perhaps a little bit of darkening would suit it a bit more and also help it blend with the wood colour. Also, you could maybe put a few little speckles of rust to increase the depth of the texture.

Yeah, I know. It's even more pronounced now with the darker wood and it's getting on my nerves. I thought about rust but an axe that's actively used is generally cleaned every now and then and doesn't rust, I have an axe for chopping wood that doesn't have any traces of rust on it (metal is pretty much the same type as the one used on old combat axes), and last I used and cleaned it was last year.


The rope bindings look realistic, but I think they have a little bit too much shadow beneath them (more so on the top side) which makes them look bulgier than they should.

The rope texture is a bit, umm... f***ed, for a lack of a better word. The edges of that layer are completely black so if I were to use less shadow on it, those edges would become pronounced, but I've been trying to get it right, just need to fiddle with it a bit more.


Now ia m regretting it because the painter in question is going to painting the room a sleep in a nightly bases at the crack of dawn.

No understand... too grammar... me hurt brain... :wacko:




EDIT: Where is everybody? Editing my post every now and then makes me feel like I'm talking to myself. :ermm:

Edited by Werne
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I installed a Chrome extension that shows me what trackers and such are running on websites that I visit. I've never felt more paranoid when I find that nineteen different ad agencies, user analyzers, and beacons are watching me from most sites.

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I installed a Chrome extension that shows me what trackers and such are running on websites that I visit. I've never felt more paranoid when I find that nineteen different ad agencies, user analyzers, and beacons are watching me from most sites.

You mean Lightbeam? I got it a while ago, it's nice to know who tries to keep track of me aside from my wife, even while I'm writing this, google-analytics is watching me. By the way, try visiting a porn site with your AdBlock and "Do not track" disabled, last time I was on one I had over a hundred ad agencies tracking me, Lightbeam graph looked like a bloody christmas tree. :laugh:


And the only site where no one tried to track me is debian.org, that may be the reason why the site loads so snappy. :smile:

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So I got Bad Company 2 while it was on sale. I feel like I want my five dollars back. I couldn't even move my mouse the first fifteen minutes of cutscene, then it keeps giving me more cutscenes every 30 seconds so I don't miss any setpieces. There are invisible walls all over the place, and where there aren't, the game will fail you for going off-course. Have I been spoiled by Borderlands, Dishonored, Bioshock, and Half Life 2? Bad Company 2 gets on to me when I spend more than five seconds looking around an area for loot/ammo/a nicer gun.


Also, the horror I felt when it turns out to be another generic 'Russia/generic eastern European country invades the world' game. I almost would've felt better if it'd stayed being a generic WWII game. Almost.

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