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That's why you go overkill with wattage when it comes to psu's, heck i bought a antec 1000 watt modular psu 3 years ago and its still working like a charm to this day.

If you go overkill on wattage you get voltage ripple, that means your PSU lasts but it slowly kills your other components instead. :smile:


And you didn't even read what I wrote, did you? That didn't have anything to do with the PSU, but it did have something to do with an idiot that pushed 500V through my house's wiring and fried some things.


my gigabyte windforce oc edition gtx780 ti was a good test of its quality when it required at least a 1000 watt psu.

Seriously? You trust system requirements you read on the GPU box? *sigh* Talking about PCs all the time, I thought you actually know something about them, my bad.


Anyway, requirements are crap and your PSU wasn't even stressed in the slightest by a 780 Ti, that thing would be able to run on my PC as well if I were to keep it stock. GTX 780 Ti has a peak power draw of 298W during GPGPU workloads, ~223W when gaming, you can run them in SLI on an 850W PSU with your components. So much for "quality testing" of your PSU.


As a side note, the box of my 80W 7770 says it needs a 600W PSU when the card peaks at 87W, even in CF I was able to rock on a 550W PSU without overloading it.





It's funny, I understand the individual words in your spec talk, but together they make no sense whatsoever. :tongue:

You know, it doesn't actually surprise me at all, I doubt even Thor knows what I said. :laugh:


And now I wonder how much you'd understand if I were to talk about mosfets, voltage migration, IPC, VRMs, power phases, voltage rails, and stuff like that. :tongue:


HUUH!!! Wernes on my ignore list :mellow: Voltage and overclocking i like to stay away from.

Edited by Thor.
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Voltage and overclocking i like to stay away from.

Hey, I didn't overclock my neighborhood's high-voltage transformer! :dry:

Hey, guess what everyone? I've finally uploaded the mod! Check it out on the Oblivion Nexus.

Will check it out once I get Oblivion to behave, it runs like crap for some reason. :confused:

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Hmm Werne makes a person wonder what evil over uses of hydro that caused the transformer to blow, to much overclocking, and stuff hmmm :confused: :confused:

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I had a really fun day today: the sort of day that can still seem good, even though you got woken up at like, 5 AM by your neighbours having a drunken argument about sex in the street. Even work was fun-the sort of day that reminds me why I love my job. Someone brought a spotless Ferrari F430 in to have some enhancements(on a Ferrari...) fitted, and I was lucky enough to be supervising.


I've always been fond of Ferrari, so I was a little apprehensive about working on one: you don't really know a car until you've gotten under the paint, and I've been disappointed by dream-cars in the past. That being said, the F430 was a work of art. Everything you've heard about Ferrari attention to detail and engineering, is true: this car felt like it'd been designed by a racing mechanic, then styled. Which is actually how Ferrari builds cars. I even got to drive it-to run-in the new suspension.


I wouldn't buy one, unless I could afford a second car-it's morbidly impractical. But in terms of driving pleasure, it's an opus. Most cars don't "grab" or engage you, but it's impossible not to get wrapped up in driving a Ferrari or similar super-sport. They're so responsive, so alert, and so damn fast, that you get inevitably pulled into it's "game" It's a bit like a playful dog; no matter how serious you're trying to be, it'll eventually get your attention, and make you crack a smile. It's reminded me today what driving should be about: fun, an adventure.

Edited by Vindekarr
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I think Vindekarr has been winning long enough. :tongue:

I managed to install a mod in Starbound that mucked up my tech window...

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And I think you've been winning long enough! :tongue:


... And I should probably do something a bit more constructive. I'm at the uni right now, hogging up a computer and all I'm doing is checking the Nexus. (Well, I was doing proper stuff, but the Nexus is just so much more interesting.)



EDIT: Also, we just went past a milestone and didn't even realise it. Werne got post #52000 on the previous page.

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Yay! I'm getting sick and my brother used all the cough medicine. So instead I made tea using some cheap tea bags that have been sitting in my cabinet for far too long... At first I thought it helped, but it already seems to have worn off.

I'm blaming the denizens of Walmart since I felt sick shortly before leaving there today.
And on that note about Walmart, I'll post the story I tried to post earlier and then accidentally closed my browser instead. Not much of a story to be honest, just another example of how Walmart is overflowing with etiquette (and failed attempts at whispering).



Spoiler because it somehow became a longer story than I thought, but I felt the details were necessary.


I was in a vitamin aisle with my grandma, who was searching for some specific brand of thing her sister was talking to her about, and three women shove past. I hate to say this because it's rude, though them shoving past without even saying, "Excuse me," wasn't exactly nice, and only slightly necessary to the story, but two of the women were big. Really big. The older one used the scooter cart to get around, and the third woman, who was pretty average, handed off a baby to the big woman not on the scooter and plopped down to take her blood pressure. All three reeked of cigarette smoke, and looked like the kind of people that smell like that, someone you would look at and say, "Meeeeeeeth," after all, it is Missouri. It wasn't the smell of someone who smoked a few cigarettes a day, no. This was the smell of a whole household who sits around and collectively smokes twenty packs in a day between three people.
Back on topic, the younger big one slowly approached the older one and, in what I believe was a failed attempt to be subtle, glances around before near shouting, "YOU CONSTIPATED?" in a voice that was a mix of the effect of years of cigarettes and a light Southern accent.

It took a surprising amount of effort to prevent myself from bursting into laughter in front of them. It wasn't even that the nature of the question was embarrassing. It was the fact that the woman seemed to be trying to act furtively with her quick glances, approach to a close proximity of the other woman, and the failure of a whisper that forced me to turn away so they wouldn't see my smile.

P.S. My grandma never found the stuff her sister told her about. She also had to turn to leave the aisle after hearing that.


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