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So wats goin on with you guys anything good? Feels like ages since I last posted


For myself, I'm back in modding after two years away. I'm working as Technical Advisor and chief QA for an Assetto Corsa mod project, and also making Space Engineers mods on the side. Both have been a lot of fun: the Assetto Corsa stuff appeals to my nerdy side, and the Space Engineers stuff is just pure fun.


My best achievement so far is a giant railgun artillery piece. It's been pretty popular; it's as practical as a 750 metric ton artillery cannon gets, and even uses ordinary stone as it's projectile. You just place the modules together where you want them, place the 4000 litre displacement stone projectile in the barrel, and find some poor idiot to vaporise. The damage is just ridiculous: a projectile asteroid can really cause some harm.

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You're talking about game modding right? Hey if that's IRL you deserve a knighthood right now :P


Sounds epic though, and as far as i'm concerned if a game doesn't have a rail gun then they need to wake the f*#@ up! (I played Red Faction 1 and couldn't wrap my head around the absence of this weapon in every gun game since)

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The Railgun is designed to deal with griefers piloting massive Siege Ships. All objects in Space Engineers are made of Cubes, which have various functions. Each cube takes damage individually, so a ship with enough armour layers will be immune to weapon cubes. The Railgun however, can fire a variety of projectiles and easily penetrates armour. It can also fire rapidly(10 rounds/minute) allowing it to quickly cripple even massive ships.


The hard part was creating a projectile. The Cubes were designed for making ships, not bullets, and it took me a few days to work it out.


My design is ugly, yet sort of elegant. It's a two-stage missile built with Mining Explosives and Interior Column cubes. The tip is sharp, and penetrates the outer hull like an AP bullet. Once it's in, a 1000 pound explosive charge detonates and widens the wound. The second stage hurtles through the large wound and detonates a 25,000 pound ANFO charge somewhere near the ship's internals. The result is like Texas Harbour, and really works well considering it's made of junk steel and mining charges.

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Well, our dog Dice (the pig hunter) has just come out of surgery. Earlier in the week, she was not in a good state and we had no idea what was wrong with her. We took her into the vet a few days ago and they didn't think she was poisoned (luckily), but something was definitely wrong with her. So, we just got the phone call from the vet and she's okay! So, what was wrong with her?


She swallowed a bath plug. A bloody bath plug! She is such a glutton.

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She swallowed a bath plug. A bloody bath plug! She is such a glutton.


Great to know she's OK. And yeah, dogs do that some times. I don't know why, but they eat something that just ain't meant to be eaten. If anybody has five minutes, I've got a really funny story about that to tell.



Now, I've probably mentioned before that when I was a child, my parents had two dogs. My father had an Australian cattledog, and that pooch had some amazing misadventures. He was chronically obese, completely insane and had some disgusting habits like eating Guinea Pig droppings, but we loved him immensely and he was part of the family.


His greatest escapade was April of roughly '02. The Grinch may have stolen Christmas, but our dog stole Easter. We had this big basket of chocolate eggs and the ideas was to put on an egg-hunt with some relative's kids. The night before Easter, we went to bed only to be woken by a strange sound: tearing metal, snarling, and greedy feasting.


We turned on the lights, and found the egg basket lying on the floor empty, with a thin trail of wrapping foil leading to the Laundry. Dad's Cattler was lying on his side looking so fat he might explode, with his face all brown from chocolate. He stared at me as if to say "wasn't me, mate!" but it was pretty obvious he'd eaten an entire basket(about a kilo) of chocolate. Off to the Vet he went.


He was fine: he was impossibly healthy for such a chubby dog, and we had him back a few days later. The funniest part was actually the week later. Every time he... did his business... ...the poop had sparkley bits of silver foil in it. At one point our neighbour said "your dog seems to be magic! he's crapping silver!"


And that's how a morbidly obese dog stole Easter and crapped aluminium.


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Yeah, dogs are like that. They love to eat, and sometimes they aren't fussy on what they chow down on.


Well, I discovered a neat trick in Space Engineers. If you collect a Stack of items and drop them, they drop as one item. The bigger the stack, the more that single item weighs. Using this, I've discovered how to make cannonballs out of waste from my mining colony. They're actually deadlier than my Missiles when fired from the Railgun. Cheaper, too.

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It's a bit long, but it reading it made my day. Royal Australian Army VS a bunch of stupid Emus... ...and we lost. Two men, four months and ten thousand rounds of ammunition, and we lost. :facepalm:

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