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This. I want it as a car horn. Seriously.


Until someone comes up with that car horn, I'll disassemble ME3 to extract that sound, modify it to include only the horn and not the servo/stepping sounds, crank the volume on my 4x400W stereo to max, then just play the damn thing when my neighbor falls asleep in his back yard rocking chair. :smile:

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Some cars don't even need horns. The sound the engine makes is so intimidating that people tend to step aside anyway.



The first thirty seconds are the only relevant part, the rest of the vid is useless. If my car made a noise like that, forget the mechanic, I'd call an exorcist!


When a car is that loud(108 decibels) shakes that violently and sounds like a demon trying to tear it's way into reality, you don't even need a horn. And besides, look how spiky the front is; it's a 200 MPH fire-spewing guillotine with wheels that screams.

Edited by Vindekarr
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That's all story bites. From books and movies. Crazy talk, si agoud b moovy is ala im saain.


All you have to do is figure out the movies bites, the books sections, and you'll know every bit of it. Even the NO MORE SEX! Also from a speech made by a Chinese Ruler. Which later ended being withdrawn and the 2 children law was put into effect. Even Bruce Lee's home country forbade two girl's or two boys. One of each only. He was dressed like a girl and passed off as one until he was sent to the good ole U. S. of A.



Crazy talk.


Or! You can be like me and feed movie and book bites like these into a medley of sorts and see if any game makers can get a spark of an idea from it for a new game. Voila'.


Did I scare everybody? Hmm?

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diddly dee diddly doo, where to go, minecraft digging a hole. Down, down as far as i go. Hits bedrock. O.o ohhh neeed to break that bedroooooccccckkk!!!.


They say ps3 version has the void but minecraftonian 360 backwards doesn't.

may the force of deleting rock be with you :psyduck:


Now has big giant craving fro pizza.

Edited by Thor.
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Hmm thanks for the real sound for the Zonda, sounds like Project cars got that one right.


Wow, yeah that's very impressive audio quality. Definitely a recording of the real car.


I'm just praying the rest of the game is done to that level of quality and authenticity. I still vividly remember Space Marine: it had one of the best soundtracks I've ever heard from a Shooter, but the game itself was abysmal-a total failure on many level.



Space Marine's OST was superb: dark and spectacular with a slightly melancholy undertone. Unfortunately despite that, the rest of the game was awful.


EDIT: the middle is the best part if you're short on time.

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Started the second season of Game Of Thrones tonight. There's a different director and it's pretty obvious that the budget was atleast double that of season #1. The quality remains however, and I'm still really enjoying it. GOT is one of very few Hollywood adaptations that can actually duke it out with the book it's based on; the films have the advantage of a cut-down and much more "concise" story, which has a much better flow and sense of cohesion.


It's also nice seeing Hollywood relying on stuntmen more than CGI. There is still a lot of CGI present, but it's mostly reserved for backgrounds and a handful of magical creatures(like dragons and direwolves) The fight scenes are just that; two blokes bashing eachother silly, and that's a nice change from Hollywood's usual tendency to over-blow fantasy worlds. The fights look a lot like Medieval Recreators in action, and I really approve of that. Adds a lot of authenticity.

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