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The last poster wins


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If all you're going to do is keep peering into my nerve neural network and looking for something to eat you're missing the point.


Even this game I WIN suggests you have something going on that TheCalliton saw. He also saw you weren't focusing on what you have gathered and built a portfolio with it to begin to develop.


We can't! You're the only one who understands your mental features, like a code all your own. We may be like leaves on the same tree. We are still individual's.


You have to get off our trails and stay focused on your's.


No bagel for you until you've built your portfolio with all the stuff you showed us. Discover what it all means to you. I hope you find something really important for us all. At the same time, it's probably a really important discovery meant for you.


Get off your "sneak a peek and throw it our way" routine. Look at what you've collected and when you've seen what you have collected in a bigger picture. Which may even surprise you! Even I will be interested enough to buy a round of bagel's for everyone while you tell us the story of how you discovered something WONDERFUL.

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Lol best joke site i have seen, this is true steam is epic.


Can't sleep, okay maybe this will help. one beautiful female super model down the Aisle, two super model down the aisle three super models down thezzzzz

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I know what the prob is. TheCalliton you need to repair this site so people can't watch people on their home computers doing the same thing watching them watch what they are doing on their home computers!


I got enough groceries to last for another week or so. At the moment the sky is gently sprinkling rain down.

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Unseasonably cool here, its 16C and its in the middle of August. Usually its a heat wave this time of year.


Heck i like, i don't care what those campers think :dry: Zero humidity :dance:

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Raining here! Must be the work of those folks who blanketed a few glaciers to save us from the effect of cooking like a bunch of lobster in a pot with the heat slowly rising until they are boiled deliciously into a fine meal.


Yay! I wonder if all that work they did at the south pole, the Alaskan Glaciers, and such, will actually be beneficial in the long run? Maybe Nature manipulated them to entertain a change which may turn up the heat elsewhere?


Death Valley, CA



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It sure has been a good day today. And I don't just mean the 50% off men's pants sale either, or the fact my EVE Online guild won it's first war.


I don't think I've ever seen this many disturbing, alarming world news situations come to a "good end" in one day. Nouri Al-Maliki stepped aside peacefully, the Peshmerga and US rescued the trapped Yazidis and got them to safety, and the Fergusen riots came to a peaceful end. The public media seem to have run out of depressing things to report; that's a good day in my book.

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ya i noticed that, everything, including the minor things and stuff changed for the good, it was looking grim then all of a sudden it seemed like everyone just gave up and decided to give peace a chance. I never seen so much in one get go like that, something must be up. Makes you wonder.

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